Chapter 11: Broken News

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~💙Astro POV💙~

The Day after Bosip had found my family and friends, things still seemed like it was smooth sailing. I think Bosip really likes my gang honestly. He's always been hanging out with my younger brother a lot, and sometimes, me too. Probably because I remind him of Bob a lot.
But today, was a day that I know for a fact Bosip would never forget..

This particular day started off with Bosip, my little brother, Asher and I chilling in the living room, watching cartoons and playing games. Bosip seemed like he was having a fun time, until his phone starting buzzing. I saw him look at it, but he got sad after seeing who was calling him. So he put his down and didn't answer

Astro💙: ...Aren't you going to answer that?

Bosip looked at me, looking kind of sad..

Bosip💛: ....No.

I decided to shrug it off, but then I got a phone call shortly after. When I saw who it was, it was my creator, Olley!

Astro💙: Hang on guys. I need to answer this..

Asher💜: Okay! Don't take long!

I walked into the hallway to answer. I pressed the call button, but I heard Olley sounding like she had been.....crying...

Olley💚: A-Astro! Is Bosip there with y'all..?

Astro💙: ....

I didn't know if I should out him to Olley because she's obviously gonna be looking for him when she finds out. But then again, he does need to know that the Gang is falling apart with him...if you know what everyone can be like when they're all upset...but also, I don't wanna let him down and make him think I betrayed him or something..

Astro💙: ...No..

Olley💚: ...Okay...but if you do run into him, I need you to tell him what I'm about to tell you!! Please, it's very important!!

Astro💙: Olley, calm down. What's this about..?

Olley💚: ......Bob...

My heart almost dropped when I heard that. If something happened to Bob a couple days days after Bosip left, it must be very terrible. It's probably none of my business, but I still asked anyway

Astro💙: ...What happened...?

Olley💚: So...earlier today, at 3:04pm, Bella called for the Bob Gang and I...we all ran into Bobs room, where we found Bella...and Bob..

Astro💙: What happened to Bob..? Is he okay?

Olley💚: A little...we all found Bob..lying unconscious on his bed room floor...and eye was stabbed while the other eye was cut light, his chest was leaking out blood and his arm was cut off, lying on the ground next to him and he's in the hospital right now...

and eye was stabbed while the other eye was cut light, his chest was leaking out blood and his arm was cut off, lying on the ground next to him and he's in the hospital right now

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I felt very terrible and very sad

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I felt very terrible and very sad....I know that I don't know Bob that much, but it still hurts just hearing that..oh man...

..How am I gonna tell Bosip..?

Olley💚: If you do run into Bosip...please tell him...

Astro💙: I-I will...thanks Olley...

Olley💚: You're welcome...goodbye..

Afterwards, Olley hung up the phone and I put my phone in my pocket.
I got the courage to walk up to Bosip and ask him if we could talk

Astro💙: Hey Bosip..

Bosip💛: Hi Astro, is everything okay?

Astro💙: Y-Yeah...can I talk to you...alone?

Bosip💛: ...Yeah, sure

Bosip followed me to our main entrance area so we could both talk about what Olley told me. I was scared, but he's gonna have to know...

Bosip💛: So...what's this about..?

I took a deep breath and looked over at Bosip. I wasn't ready to tell him is he going to react? Is he going to be sad...mad...worried...or may not even care..? Well, I guess there's only one way to find out...

Astro💙: I-It''s about Bob...

I looked up to see to see Bosips reaction. He looked scared, but also kinda mad in a way...

Bosip💛: Wh-What about him..?

Astro💙: Bosip he....he's in the hospital..he tried to take his own life earlier today...I'm so sorry...

~💛Bosip POV💛~

A full knot just formed in my throat. There's no way that could happen...Bob would never do that. He's happy...He's happy with Bella. Why would he do this..? Did I do something wrong..? Did he do this because I left...?

Bosip💛: Wh-What did he do..?

Astro💙: ...He stabbed and eye, cut the other eye, stabbed himself and cut his arm off...

Tears began forming in my eyes as I looked on the ground...this was...all my fault...

Bob did this....because of me

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