The Antagonist Boy x Boy

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(Antagonist's P.O.V.)

"You've been avoiding me."

Narrator jumped so high at the sound of my voice. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his broad, but fragile shoulders.

"I-I haven't. I've been wanting to talk to you this whole time. I just couldn't find you." Narrator argued defensively in his monotone voice. He was starting to grow on me...maybe even give me feelings. I forced the idea back into my mind, not wanting to get hurt the way Protagonist had hurt me.

"Mhhhhm" I teased in his ear. He was sitting on the same couch he always went to in order to get away from everyone. When I thought about it, he really wasn't like any of the other characters at all, and yet I was so drawn to him. He was cold and mysterious, distant. But every now and then he could be irresistibly sweet. He made me feel cared for. "Last night was good by the way." I purred approvingly.

"Mm.. Thank you." He said before turning away from me. I could see the blush in his ears though. I smiled and walked around the couch so I could sit next to him. He was so much taller than me, even when sitting down. His thin frame clad in a pale gray t-shirt still towered above me. His white bangs tumbled into his storm colored eyes and his thin, pale arms met in the locked cage of his fingers.

"Antagonist," he began, making me look away from his slender fingers and up at the side of his face. He was leaning over, hair that wouldn't fit into his stubby ponytail spilling out from behind his ear like a delicate curtain.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Do.. Do you regret it? Last night. It was wrong of me to take advantage of-" I cut him off right away. I was beginning to get frustrated by his lack of self-confidence, and the way he apologized for his actions.

"Not at all." I could feel his eyes shift to focus on me, a sideways look of interest. "I came onto you, if you can remember correctly, and I don't care about whether you think it was "appropriate" or not. I thought you were Damn good." I said suddenly, feeling the blush come to my own cheeks now. There was something about the way he downplayed himself that made me want to reassure him.

"Ah-ha mmm.. Thank you." He coughed out after being equally, it not more embarrassed than I already was.

"What are you being all shy for? It's just sex." I said, trying to quickly hide my emotions from him.

"Oh yeah.. Just sex." He repeated and looked down at his hands again. The tips of his fingers were locking and unlocking in a thoughtful kind of way. I could almost feel him physically slipping farther from me, traveling to that place in his mind where not even the pale pink of his mortal blood could catch him. Even though I knew I was right, knew that it had only been sex, the way Narrator acted made me think I might be wrong. "I...I've been thinking Antagonist.." Narrator began softly, carefully like he was trying to lure out a baby animal.

"About?" I asked tentatively.

"What makes me the Narrator?" I paused at this. I'd never really had to consider what made us all who we were, what made me the Antagonist or Narrator, well, the Narrator.

"I guess the story chooses right?" I supplied casually, not letting myself read into it. He shifted and brought his hand to his mouth to rub his thumb along his bottom lip thoughtfully. Those hands... His lips.. I looked to my right in order to avoid the urges swirling up inside me. Part of me felt it was my right to love him, to make him devour me. But then another part of me felt a strange sense of apprehension, like there was something that separated Narrator from myself. Ah! We weren't even dating. I had to get my head clear.

"But what if it doesn't? What if it's relative?" Narrator mused, bringing my thoughts back on track.

"You mean you're the Narrator because you think you should be the Narrator?" I summarized.

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