The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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My mouth went dry. The world seemed to stand still as we locked eyes and just seemed to absorb the weight of this moment. All I could think was. Oh shit.

His dark bangs made it hard to see his eyebrows, but I could see them before they disappeared in an incredulous way up into his hair. Then he smirked so darkly I could taste the malice on my tongue as it seeped from his pores. I shivered.

"you think I'm just making this up for kicks" he hissed emotionlessly into my face. It wasnt a question. I swallowed hard.

"n-no, I, I just, you were-"

"stop stuttering its annoying" he said simply before grabbing my thin wrist and pinning it hard to the wall as he pressed his legs to mine. I bit my lip.

"Protagonist" I protested as I shoved my free hand into his chest, he didnt notice me shoving him. I was confused, until I remembered the rules: Protagonist is always supposed to be stronger and always supposed to win. These rules applied until the story ended, it was only Narrator  left to return to backstage, and then the story would be over. Til then I was powerless.

His grin broadened as I knew he'd come to the same realization. He brought his other hand to rest on the side of my face and pulled my mouth closer to his. I couldn't help the heat that came to my cheeks.

"what is it Antagonist? Suddenly out of sharp remarks I see" he pushed his waist to mine and slid his leg farther up my inner thigh. "tell me why that is" he demanded expectantly. I bit my tongue and glared, I felt like crying though. I didnt want it like this.

His blue eyes narrowed and he brought his lips to my neck, rough and bold. I gasped and made sounds at the back of my throat.

"say it" he snarled into my skin, I exhaled sharply and cursed my breathy voice.

"I don't know what youre talking about"

my whole body was engulfed in tingles as he released my hand and drew the small of my back to his warm, hard body.

"don't make me do something I'll regret" he threatened, but it just sounded enticing. He tightened his grip on me and bit my ear. I tried, I swear I tried to hold it in, but a soft moan slipped from my lips. He groaned and ran his teeth over my neck. My back arched into him and my hands gripped his shirt. He pulled my white t-shirt down from my shoulder and bit into that too.

I cried out and lifted my leg along his thigh. I felt him smile against my skin, and then he bit down harder. He knew I liked the burn of it. He softly kissed the bite when he pulled away and then kissed the one on my ear. He pulled away to look at my probably erotic face with satisfaction.

"even if you never admitt it, I want you to know I'll never settle for you when I can have Love Interest" my heart got stabbed. I didnt want to, but I was hurt so the words fell out.

"you can have her after I'm done, cuz she doesn't seem to be getting in line for you" his eyes held pain suddenly and I was shocked to see so much raw emotion. Then just as quickly as itd appeared, his eyes hardened. He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss.

I felt tears spill silently down my face, he was so gentle, so sweet against my lips as though he were treating me like something he treasured. I could almost convince myself it was real. Almost. He pulled away slowly, barely opening his eyes that were filled with that same pain again, but more like the look he'd given me before he shot me.

How dare he. He kissed me like that and then throw my feelings in my face with his regret. He was mocking me. As our hurt filled the hall, I heard Drug Dealer in the distance.

"Good job Narrator," and I knew this was my chance. Barely thinking I crashed my fist into his face. "go to hell!" I screamed and sent another fist at his nose. Blood ruined his pale skin. I punched him in the stomach when I heard footsteps coming our way. He sank to his knees, and he didnt fight back. I pulled my leg back to kick him, but strong arms pulled me away.

It was only later i realized what id done, without Protagonist  in perfect condition, thered be no story. We were stuck here in Backstage until he healed and there was nowhere I could go to escape him.

Comment please! And give me some likes woot! woot!  XOXO

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