The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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Antagonist's (P.O.V.)

My mind was racing, thinking of all the ways I might be able to escape this, they all ended in Protagonist being humiliated because I was stupid enough to like him and Narrator being cruel enough to tell everyone if I didn't do what he wanted. I had to do it for Protagonist.

I sighed and my shoulders sagged in defeat. "I'll do it."

I turned to look at him and he was caught off guard, meeting my eyes for just a split second before he could turn to his left. His eyes were... There was no word to describe them, it was like never knowing anything but dark and suddenly finding a flame, or seeing a familiar face in a crowd of strangers. I had known him before. There was no way I could feel such warmth and safety in those eyes without having really known him. But this was our first true conversation other than "hey" or "pass the frosted flakes".

"Narrator-" I began but he cut me off.

"Good. I thought you'd change your mind." He said it in the same expressionless, smooth whisper, but there was something tight about it. He almost sounded annoyed that i'd agreed to do his favor after all. I noticed his pale hand clutched the knee of his pants like he was holding himself back. Knuckles going as white as his hair.

"yeah, but Narrator have we-"


His eyes were closed and his mouth was pressed in a thin line. His skin was turning a light tan, blossoming up from somewhere under his skin like watered down ink. I could see black lines trailing down the right side of his neck and creeping down into the neck of his shirt until they appeared under his short sleeve and twisted around his arm. He was flickering, shifting between pale and tan while the lines writhed on his skin like living things.

I moved my wide eyes to the floor, id been looking at him too long.

"Don't....change the subject, I need you to do exactly what I say." I nodded even though he couldn't see me, but he continued, sensing my silence as compliance.

"i need you to ask Love Interest something for me."

"what do you want me to ask her?"

"go to her room when it gets late and make sure no one sees you, then ask her if shes been hearing the crickets lately."

"The crickets?"

"Just ask her, she'll know what you mean, tell her I've had to close my window because of the noise."

He got up after that, tall and thin he was about six feet, a good foot taller than I was. He made me feel powerless. I looked at him and he was watching the floor, but he'd gone back to being ghostly pale and there where no shifting black lines on his skin. He walked towards me, quiet and graceful, as though his feet hovered a centimeter above the floor. He stopped suddenly at my side, making my muscles tense. Then he bent over and leaned in so his face was alongside mine, our cheeks almost touching.

"tell no one else of this." Then he paused as though debating his next words.  "Antagonist."

He said my name separately, putting weight on it. I shivered at the sound, it made me feel strange and lost. I felt like a poker player sitting at the table with all my cards in hand, but not understanding what they all meant together. Then he pulled away and strode off in his perpetual quiet. I just stood there trying to take everything in. my mouth had gone dry and my heart beat creepy slow. I just needed to do what hed asked and forget about it even though it made no sense.

"what was Narrator talking to you about?" I turned from my thoughts to see Protagonist leaning casually in the doorway. My heart flipped. He was in a black T with a blue plaid button down shirt over top that he left open and light grey pants. His lightly tan skin looked perfect and rich. I suddenly realized that he'd asked me a question and i'd just been staring.

"oh, um...we were just talking about...err the. Just stuff that wasn't important." I finally said since I couldn't tell him and I had no idea what Narrator would talk to me about casually. Protagonist was shifting uncomfortably in the doorway, crap id made things awkward. "uh, yeah, hows your nose?" I grimaced, obviously that was not the next best topic. He surprised me and chuckled.

"its fine, you dont need to make that face." He said while his eyes crinkled in a smile. My whole body felt like sighing. "But I want you to know I'm not done with you." He said seriously all of sudden, hardening the smile from his blue eyes. He clenched his jaw and came towards me. My pulse was racing. He stopped just in front of me. "admit it."

I swallowed even though my mouth was dry. "I'll hit you again." I threatened, balling my fist for effect.

"somehow I don't think you will." He said softly before gently placing his strong hand on the side of my face. His touch made my skin tingle. "just say it and I'll leave you alone." He breathed, slowly pulling me closer. I wanted to say it, honestly I did, but I liked the attention he was giving me. He acted like I didn't exist until I wouldn't admit I liked him.

"i can't." I said. I noticed the slightest smile pull at the corner of his mouth and disappear.

"why not?" He asked, his lips hovering in front of mine. I resisted the urge to shut my green eyes and close the distance. "because its not true." This time he grinned wickedly.

"i know its true, you react to me." He said before running his other hand up my side and tightening his fingers in my teal hair. I flushed and sucked in my bottom lip to keep any sound from escaping.

"i-its because I'm scared." I said quickly, trying to cover for myself.

"youre scared?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"yes because I...i like someone else." I wanted to curl up and die, what the hell was I doing?

"someone other than me?" He asked in disbelief, his mouth drawing into a hard line. Id offended his pride to say I thought someone here was more attractive than him. I thought it was kind of cute, as though I could pretend he was jealous like he had feelings for me.

"who?" He asked, pulling me from my musing.


"who do you like?" He said slowly, practically grinding his teeth together. Oh no. I couldnt delay or he'd know I made it up. So I said the first name that came to my mind.


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