The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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Antagonists (P.O.V.)

Love Interest didn't say anything to me at breakfast, her eyes drawn down silently to the bowl of coco puffs in her hands. I'd given her Narrator's message last night and she'd been silent ever since. The last thing I heard her murmur under her breath was Protagonist's name. Was Protagonist in trouble? Maybe he needed something? Maybe Narrator's weird message had something to do with Protagonist.

I turned as casually as I could to look at Protagonist who rigidly ate a bowl of raisin bran while he glared every so often at Narrator. Watching him made me feel guilty. I shouldnt have used Narrator as a lie to keep from admitting my feelings for Protagonist. Especially if that message I gave Love Interest last night had been Narrator being concerned for Protagonist.

I sighed and put a spoonful of Trix into my mouth before looking up from under my turquoise lashes at Narrator. He was sitting in the far corner of the kitchen away from the windows at an extra little table by himself. He always poured a bowl of rice krispies, but he rarely finished the whole thing. His thin, tall frame was hunched over his cereal like the grim reaper over a dying body. Now that I thought about him, id never seen him smile and he usually had light grey circles under his pale grey eyes. His stark white hair was pulled into a tiny ponytail that id never seen him wear before, it made his fringey bangs look longer and delicate against his ivory complexion. It also pulled the hair away from his neck so you could see the fragile curve of it and the broadness of his shoulders. He looked strong yet graceful. A predatory animal that might mesmorize its prey. Suddenly his white eyelashes shifted and his eyes like watered down ink met mine. I was immediately met by that warm, familiar feeling as though id found someone id been searching for. Embarrassed, I retreated and shot my eyes back down to my Trix. What the hell? there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Morning." came the sultry voice of Heroine from behind me as she finally entered the kitchen for breakfast. Protagonist nodded and Love Interest smiled. Narrator didn't even look up. Heroine slowly made her way over to the coffee maker with Secondary Character 1 latched around her thin waist. They both had messy hair and she was wearing his T-shirt. It made me lonely. I wanted to wake up with messy hair wearing someone else's shirt.

Heroine poured herself a large mug of strong smelling coffee and Secondary Character 1 did the same. Heroine took a deep sip and then looked seriously at Love Interest. Love Interest just nodded then looked at me then back at her coco puffs. Now I was definitely interested.

Maybe this had something to do with Protagonist and me as well. Wait. Me....and....Protagonist. Did they know I liked him? Aaaaah, today was not starting off well. I watched them suspiciously, but they didn't do much other than eating their cereal and drinking coffee. They almost seemed confused though. Heroine and Secondary Character 1 would ask questions and Love Interest would usually just shake her head.

My Trix had gone soggy, but I pushed them around in my colored milk until Love Interest left with the others. What was going on?

"The Hell?!" I basically screamed as something cold wrapped around my shoulder. I pushed my chair back and whirled around to see Narrator standing solemnly next to my chair. I was ready to yell at him for being so creepy, but then I noticed his eyes. Sad eyes full of pain. I was sure that I had hurt his feelings. I had basically ripped out of his grasp and acted offended that he had just tried to get my attention. I felt stupid.

Suddenly, I noticed laughter in the background. I looked past Narrator to see Protagonist laughing into his clenched fist. Id have felt shy and noticed how amazing he looked when he smiled with his blue eyes crinkled up like that, but right now I was just pissed. Narrator had been humiliated by me and Protagonist was rubbing it in. I looked up at Narrator's face and it had definitely gotten worse. I felt the need to defend him, especially since id lied and used him.

"shit." I cussed before standing up from my chair. Id hit him again, but that wouldn't be fair to the other characters. Instead I marched my bowl of half finished Trix to the sink and slammed them down as hard as I could without breaking them. Protagonist stopped laughing. I turned from the sink and noticed his eyes on me, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of eye contact. I walked casually over to where Narrator still stood with his back to Protagonist. After a moment of indecision I stood on my tiptoes and placed my own warm hand gently on Narrator's shoulder. Narrator stiffened at first and then relaxed. I pulled my hand back down and was going to leave the kitchen when something grabbed my hand and stopped me. Narrator's cool hand was firmly grasping mine and when I turned to look at him his expression was stunned and desperate, as though my leaving him might cause the end of the world.

It was in that moment I realized he loved me. Not the way Protagonist might like me, but in the way a person would sell their soul to stay just five more minutes with the person they love. I was sure.

I pulled my hand from his. Violently tearing narrator's nails across my skin, but I didn't care. I needed to get away.

"Antagonist," Narrator said, hoping to explain himself. I didn't give him time. I stormed quickly from the kitchen and started to make my way back to my room. I would start the day later, or maybe tomorrow. Why did everything have to be so confusing? Narrator was giving secret messages and I wasnt supposed to tell who they were from, Love Interest was going to get her heart broken. Protagonist was being an ass, but I was so sorry for breaking his nose. and now Narrator had some crazy strong feelings for me and I was sure we'd known each other, but we couldn't have right? because before...before I was...why couldnt I remember anything from before the past four months?

I slanmed my palm against the wall as I passed in frustration. Everything was so messed up. I reached my room and put my hand on the knob before it was suddenly wrenched away. I whirled angrily to look into the deep blue eyes of Protagonist. He was slightly panting and searching my miffed face.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly before I could yell. I was surprised. It was the first time id ever heard him say sorry. "I shouldn't have laughed, and I'm sorry about yesterday too." He said with his eyes on the floor. He was embarrassed. I couldn't believe it.

"Protagonist," I started, ready to tell him it was ok before he looked up and down the hall like he was afraid someone might see us. "what is it?" I asked, wondering if wer suddenly couldn't be seen talking.

"open your door." He said firmly.


"just do it."

I turned and opened my door as I was told, and Protagonist went inside without a word. Confused I also went in and closed the door behind me. "Protagonist what is going-" I was interrupted as he pushed me up against the door, pinning my hands up above my head in one of his own.

"you told me you like Narrator right?" He said urgently, looking into my eyes.

"yeah..." I said tentatively, not wanting to admit id lied to his face.

"well I'm asking you not to."

Sorry its late! I do everything on my phone and it got stolen, so I had to wait until I could get a new one. I'll hurry and write the next chapter, sorry!

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