The Antagonist Boy x Boy

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(Narrator's P.O.V)

Love Interest had red, puffy eyes the next day. What a bore. She deserved every ounce of pain it brought her. I stared holes into her petite frame and clenched my jaw.
You did this to me.

"Uh, hey," came a voice to my left, making me pull from my thoughts. I glanced over at Antagonist, bright green eyes illuminated by his turquoise hair. I steadied my breathing.

"Hi." I said in my cursed monotone voice that made me seem uninterested in him. I watched him shuffle his feet for a moment. It was so strange to see him shy like this, he was usually trying to be tough and punkish. "Yes?" I prodded as he began to make me feel anxious.

"Um, well you know how we're supposed to be dating.." He whispered it at me like it was some great secret. Honestly. I have him a blank look, unsure of what he was trying to say.

"Ugh, nevermind." He said in hot exasperation and slammed down next to me on the couch that was set aside from all the other furniture. I stared at him for a while, not because he was sitting with me for basically the first time, but because he was sitting right up against me with his thigh touching mine. A smile tugged at my lips and I forced it away, trying to fit my emotionless role. I once again turned to look at Love Interest and pretend like he'd always been right there.

"So are you gonna tell me what you were trying to say earlier?" I pressed casually, looking straight ahead to the far off table where the other characters chatted.

"No." He said sharply and I tortured myself by not allowing a chuckle. I reached down and laced my fingers with his, instantly rewarded by their increase in temperature which meant he was embarrassed.

"How about now?" I asked in my emotionless voice. He stammered for a second and quickly closed his mouth before yanking his hand away. I kept my face straight as I returned my hand to my lap, the warmth quickly leaving me. If only he knew how much it hurt me to touch him.

"What are you staring at? You look creepy." Antagonist grumbled. I hesitated a moment and then shifted on the couch to face him, my dead eyes focusing on his forehead. I sat there, wordlessly considering him. I don't need to blink, so I knew my eyes were soullessly taking him in. He shifted uncomfortably again which gave me some inner satisfaction.

"Nope, you know what, go back to staring at whatever you were looking at before." Antagonist said quickly, shooing his hand in Love Interest's general direction. I remained where I was, he was so much fun to tease.  He squirmed expectantly under my gaze.

"I've lost interest in what I was looking at before." I said matter-of-factly. Antagonist started to make what could be a scowl and once again I resisted the urge to laugh.

" something normal then." Antagonist breathed with a frivolous shake of his hand. Well since he asked.. I reached down and took his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together before I lifted his pale knuckles up to my lips and kissed the middle three. Antagonist gasped and looked around us in shock. "What the hell are you doing?!" He hissed.

"Being normal." I answered. Antagonist narrowed his eyes and pulled his hand away again. I snatched it back before he could pull it to his chest.

"The hell..." he growled threateningly with his eyes still narrowed. I held his wrist and turned his palm upwards so I could kiss the pad of his thumb. "Narrator," Antagonist pleaded, looking over at the other characters across the room, "what if someone sees?"

"But I'm being normal," I argued before kissing the delicate flesh of his inner wrist. He leaned away from me and glanced nervously at the table again.

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