The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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Hey guys, thanks for your reads and likes. Give me some comments so I know what you guys like about my story in order to make it better, please and thank you! Oh and also tell me what you think of Antagonist's spicy language cuz I can change it if you want (;


There was tension in backstage.

Protagonist glared at me from the couch he'd been pouting on for almost two hours and I rolled my light green eyes before looking away. His nose broke and I remembered his cries of pain in the dark when Sidekick had set it straight. If there was ever a time I felt sorry, it was last night. His muffled sounds of pain made me so sorry I cried into my pillow. But id never tell him that. The bruises that creeped out from under the medical tape made me wince even though id decided to act like i didnt care about him. Everyone wanted to know why id hit him, but Protagonist didn't say, so I didn't tell.

Sidekick was on the couch trying to get Protagonist to tell him what happened while basically force feeding him. Protagonist could be such a baby. I felt the corner of my mouth tug up despite myself.

"watcha doin?" Came a bright voice next to me, making me jump. I whirled to see Love Interest very close and smiling all over herself at me. Apparently id gotten bonus points for kicking Protagonist's arrogant ass. I felt bad for him.

"hey" I said simply, not  answering her question since I obviously was doing nothing. I placed my chin in my hands and looked at her with slightly tired eyes the color of spring. She smiled brightly even though I was being rude and took a seat next to me at the bar table.

"hows your hand?" She asked me out of nowhere.

"huh?" I said intelligently as she smiled in nervous amusement. And tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear.

"your hand" she repeated with a giggle, pointing at my wrapped left hand under my chin, the one i used to break Protagonist's nose.

"oh" I said with a sheepish smile, pulling it from under my chin and turning the lightly bandaged appendage palm up then palm down. "i have sensitive skin so I bruise easy" I said, embarrassed by my weakness.

She seemed to melt at my vulnerability. "let me see" she said before taking my slender hand into her small ones to inspect the damage. Ugh. I glanced over my shoulder at Protagonist guiltily, seeing murder in his eyes. I looked quickly away, angry at myself for caring what he thought.

I let my head tilt forward until my bangs were in my eyes, hiding the worry they held. What was I gonna do if he got me to admit I liked him, he could use it against me the rest of my life. Oh crap, and he saw how last night went down. Protagonist was pretty determined too, anything to prove himself right.

"ow" I said suddenly as I felt pain in my hand. I pulled out of my thoughts and looked to see Love Interest's blue eyes wide with worry.

"oh I'm sorry" she said, but releasing my hand "are you ok".

I tried to smile reassuringly, "yeah, fine, you just surprised me." I squeezed her hand to comfort her without realizing it. She blushed and leaned in a little. Oh shit. Did she expect me to kiss her? My mind went blank as I paniced and she got closer. Holy shit. Protagonist was going to neuter me. I felt her other hand on my thigh and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I gasped as I was suddenly yanked backwards by the hood of my black jacket. "what the he-" I was cut off as I turned and looked into the deep blue eyes of Protagonist. His expression was hard to read.

"what the heck are you doing Protagonist?" Love Interest said all annoyed. He looked up at her but didnt answer, tightening his grip on my clothes.......possessively?  I felt my heart quicken.

Then strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was yanked away for a second time, but this time I was airborne. "put me down ass hole!" I cried, knowing it was Sidekick, the only person that would dare pick me up like this. He chuckled in his deep voice before carrying me into the next room. He finally set me down in the kitchen.

"what're you doing?" I seethed. He grinned broadly and wiggled his dark eyebrows that contrasted his blond hair.

"saving you obviously, when I said to put effort into your love life I didnt mean to get yourself killed in the process" he said like it was the funniest thing ever. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

"she came on to me, I was just shocked by it is all," I said defensively.

"why would it be shocking to have a girl come on to you?" He asked with a grin, but for some reason it felt weighted.

"whyd you word it like that? You calling me a fag or something?" I hissed, but my heart was pounding. (i have nothing against gay people, but the language fits the character, sorry!)

He searched my face for a minute and then widened his grin. "dont be so sensitive" he laughed before tugging me to the bottom level where everyone else was.

He hadn't said no. He didnt deny alluding to me being gay. There was no way Sidekick had figured it out on his own and Protagonist would never tell anyone after last night, so that meant someone else knew and my secret was suddenly so much less like a secret.

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