The Antagonist Boy x Boy

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(Antagonist's P.O.V)

"You ass. You arrogant, selfish, conniving little fu-"

"Please don't," Narrator interrupted.

"Dont what?" I grumbled. We were in my room. Protagonist having left us in a rage so violent, I swear he would burn you with a single touch. Now it was just Narrator and me and all I wanted to do was grab his pale, slender neck and wring it.

"Dont say such sharp things to me, I can't listen to you say them." He was laying on his back on top of my bed, his long legs dangling over the side at the knee and his arms spread out to either side. He looked like a pale angel sprawled elegantly before a background of duvet-like clouds. Or an ivory rendition of Christ suspended weightlessly on the cross, a pure, delicate offering of humility and grace. His white eyelashes caressed the tops of his cheekbones as he kept his eyes closed and his broad chest rose and fell in a relaxed rhythm. His white bangs fell to one side of his chiseled jaw and the little ponytail he'd drawn it back into was fanned out against the pillows like a mini albino peacock tail.

"You caused all of this, so what do you expect?" I shot back after taking him in. cool and beautiful. 

He opened his eyes and turned to face me. His head turned to the side while his body remained still, the way a manikin might move. He looked at me, but didn't; his eyes focused on my neck so I couldn't look directly into them. This gave his pale gray eyes a half closed effect, as though he had just woken from a nap or was only calmly interested in this situation. It made me irritated. "I saved you." He said matter-of-factly.

"The hell you did!" I yelled. Suddenly feeling like he was being condescending. "I can take a hit Narrator. I had everything going the way I wanted, and then you screwed it up!" I cried. One hand grabbing my turquoise hair in frustration and the other waving around to emphasize my point.

He watched me emotionlessly. "I would have killed him."

I paused and turned to look at him. "what?"

"I threatened Protagonist the first time he went after you. If he did anything else id be forced to keep my word."

I remembered Protagonist looking around and making us go into my room before he would speak to me. All because of Narrator.

"So you see, I saved you from having to miss someone like him." There was disdain in his voice.

"Someone like him? Someone like Protagonist? Of course id miss someone like him." I shot back defensively.

"why?" Narrator asked genuinely like he couldn't think of a single reason Protagonist was worth missing.

"Because he's cool...hes brave, a leader,....he's handsome..." I trailed on looking for something more compelling, but I realized I didn't really know Protagonist past his rugged body and piercing blue eyes.

"Is he kind?" Narrator asked, once again cutting me off.

"usually." I said confidently.

"Does he care about you?"

"we both know he does"

"Does he make your heart pound and your breath come short?"

"....he can."

"does knowing that hes ok make you feel whole, like thats all that matters?"

"i hadn't thought about it..." I admitted. My eyes dropping gradually to my bare toes. I heard the bed creak as Narrator got up and walked toward me until I could see his pale feet stop in front of mine.

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