The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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Hey y'all I know youre reading, so give me some comments and votes please please! I will love you forever and read your stuff. ;)

(Protagonist's P.O.V)

What the heck was I doing? I mean sure, it was really important for me to prove myself right, and I'm positive Antagonist likes me, but the way I was all over him last night, what the heck? I'm 100% straight. Always have been. Always will.

I winced as Sidekick missed my mouth and bumped my nose with the roll he was trying to get me to eat. "Come on, just tell me already" he begged, we'd been playing this game since last night.

"No." I growled and glared at him, in all his carefree smiliness. I blamed his ignorance on him being blond. His bottom lip stuck out in a pout, brown eyes wide and pleading.

"Just tell me what you did to piss off Antagonist" I glared over his shoulder at the skinny blue-haired boy. He was looking at me and quickly looked away. My heart flipped a little.

"Nothing" I said defiantly. He sighed and shoved some roll in my mouth, he grinned innocently and I swallowed before I choked to death. Just then Love Interest walked into the room. She was beautiful, long brown hair, big blue eyes. She was everything I wanted. I smiled thinking she was going to come talk to  me about my nose, but instead she sat next to him.

I clenched my jaw and felt my blood boil. ".....he is though don't you think?" Sidekick's voice suddenly drifted back into hearing. I hadn't even realized he'd been talking the whole time.

"what?" I asked, not really curious, but I felt bad. He looked away, suddenly nervous for no reason. Apparently whatever he'd said had been important and I needed to ask him about it. I sighed and swore I would improve my listening skills.

"what were you say-" I stopped as my eyes wandered to where Antagonist and Love Interest were sitting. They were holding hands. Ok, technically they weren't holding hands, but close enough. Then Antagonist turned to look at me like he was guilty or something. My eyes shot death at him. I wished we were in the story so I could shoot him for real. I wasnt his boyfriend, he had no reason to look at me like that.

He quickly looked away again and I met eyes with a concerned Sidekick. "Calm down man, shes just looking  out for him is all." Why was he defending him? He seemed to be doing that a lot.

"why does it matter so much to you? Last time I checked you guys. Weren't buddies or anything." I regretted it, he looked a little hurt. Probably my tone.

"i just dont think you need to be so uptight is all" I glared again, he was right as usual. I glanced over his shoulder again and my heart stopped Love Interest was all over Antagonist, leaning in with her hand dangerously on his thigh. Rage ignited in my blood and before I knew it I was out of my seat and heading over there.

Id kissed Antagonist first and I didnt need him getting distracted before I could get him to confess he liked me and leave Love Interest alone. He was mine. I snatched him by his hoodie and plucked him out of his seat, he was shockingly light. I pulled him into my chest and it felt right. "what the heck are you doing Protagonist?" Love Interest asked me, and I looked up at her. Seeing the way she was looking at Antagonist made me defensive, he was mine to use for now. I tightened my grip on him, suddenly afraid shed take him, but then he was already gone.

I whirled to see Sidekick hoist Antagonist easily into the air. It made me nervous. Sidekick winked at me and then disappeared. I was so scared at what id just done, what id been thinking, like he was my possession. I needed to confront him again and move on. I shook myself from my thoughts as I realized Love Interest was still glaring at me.

I sighed and opened my mouth to lie.

Sorry its so short!

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