Chapter 5

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"Baby?" Mom asked through the door.

"Yeah!" I called out.

"You have a visitor." She said.

"I'm still sick." I said as I fake coughed.

"She's wearing a mask!" My mom said.

"Who is it?" I asked as I rolled over in bed.

The door opened to reveal Adrienne. She had on a mask, and she was carrying a gift basket of things. My stomach fell at the site.

"I promise I won't get too close." The girl said as she walked inside.

My mom closed the door leaving Adrienne and I by ourselves.

"You shouldn't be here." I said.

"I'm not really scared of the flu. I get it every year." She said as she walked over to me.

She placed the basket on the bed.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just stuff I know you like. I got M&M's, those tiny skateboards, wax for your skateboard, new drum sticks, a few t-shirts, and new headphones cause I know you said your left one didn't work. And like other miscellaneous items." She said.

She grabbed my desk chair and brought it over to my bed. She sat down. I handed her the basket back.

"I don't need that." I said.

Her face fell.

"You don't like it?" Adrienne asked.

"No, I love it. But I can't take that. And I think you need to go." I said.

"You don't even sound sick." She said taking her mask off.

"Look I just...I really think it's best if you leave." I said.

Adrienne placed the basket beside her on the ground.

"Why are you acting like this? You never want me to leave." She said.

I could tell she was getting upset by the trembling in her voice.

" know I can't lie. And I don't even want to lie. And especially not to you. You're so thoughtful. I lied about being sick, and you made me a fucking get well basket. I am literally the dumbest person in the entire world." I said.

I placed my head in my hands and exhaled.

"I don't care that you lied about being sick." She chuckled.

"When I went to Los Angeles, Ariana and I had sex." I said.

Adrienne's eyes went wide, and then she sat back in the chair, and then she sat up in the chair. Her leg started to bounce.

"Your best friend, Ariana?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So her and Christian broke up or?" Adrienne asked.

"No." I answered.

"Is she gonna tell him?" Adrienne asked.

"No." I told her.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek.

"I-I don't understand how this could have even happened." She said.

"She wanted us to lose our virginity to each other. I didn't know until that night that it was gonna happen. It wasn't planned at all. It just happened. And I feel so awful because you have been so patient with me for the past two months." I said.

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