Chapter 16

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"Why can't you just come back?" Hayes whined.

"Because I just worked for twenty four hours, fucker. I need to sleep." I said.

"But I hate working without you. Jack knows not to put us on opposite shifts. How could this happen?" He said.

"The real question is when are you gonna a get help for your separation anxiety? I just saw you like fifteen minutes ago." I said.

"I saw you for a minute when you were leaving and I was getting in." He said.

"I'm hanging up." I told him.

"Okay, talk to you in an hour." He said.

I hung up on him and put my phone in my pocket. I pulled over at a gas station and parked out front. There was no other car outside which was perfect. I could just run in, get what I needed, and leave. I got out of the car and locked it.

I walked inside and went directly to the drinks. I opened the cooler and grabbed a water. I closed it and walked over to the isle filled with junk food.

Ariana was standing with her arms full of things. Her hair was in a bun, and she had no make up. She was wearing oversized sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt, and Uggs.

I hadn't see her since I changed her tire a couple of days ago.

I walked down the isle, and she didn't even look up. I reached for a pack of smarties at the same time as her.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

"You're fine." I said.

She froze. Ariana looked up at me.

"This is literally just my luck." She sighed.

"Mine too." I said.

"You just get off work?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered. "You just sneak onto Earth? You look terrible."

"Thank you. I cried myself to sleep and woke up with a hankering for candy." Ariana said.

"How did you get here? There's no other car outside. It's also like four in the morning." I said.

"I walked." She said.

"You...why the fuck would you walk? It's four in the morning in Florida. And you're Ariana Grande. Do you know what could happen to you? Anyone could snatch you up. That is so irresponsible. You can't just do dumb shit like that." I said.

Ariana's lip trembled, and she burst into tears.

I had no idea what to do.

"Okay." I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm crying." She explained.

Ariana wiped her eyes.

I was super uncomfortable, but I was concerned about how she was gonna get home.

"How are you getting home?" I asked.

"I was gonna walk." She mumbled.

"Ariana, my God." I said as I threw my head back.

"Well that's how I got here, Y/N." She said.

I looked outside at my car.

"You can ride home with me." I said.

"No, it's okay. Really. I don't need a ride. You can leave me here." She said quickly.

"And if you get kidnapped, I'll be the number one suspect. Just let me drive you to wherever you're going." I said.

Tattooed Heart (Ariana Grande/You) Where stories live. Discover now