Chapter 11

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Ariana's Point of View

"Okay, how was that?" I smiled at my band.

"It was perfect, sweetie." Mom said from off camera.

"Do you think the fans will like the original version of Honeymoon Avenue?" I asked her.

"Yes, they'll love it." She said.

I stepped out of my heels and picked them up. I turned to my band.

"Thank you all so much. You're all so talented. I love you." I said.

There was a chorus of 'thank you' and 'goodnight'. I walked off camera to where my mom was.

"Did you pack already, honey?" She asked.

"No not yet. I don't even understand why I need to go. Dalton decides to remarry in my hometown, and I'm supposed to be okay with it? He did it on purpose. Who the fuck gets married in Boca Raton?" I said.

"It doesn't matter if he did it on purpose or not. He's doing it, and he invited you. You need to show that you're unbothered." Mom said.

"I am unbothered. I'm only upset because he decided to do it in Boca Raton. I would be over the moon for him if the wedding was in any other location. Him trying to spite me is what's making me angry." I told her.

"Well the wedding is just for one night. In the meantime, just go record music. Vic is coming right?" Mom said.

"Yes. I'm so fucking happy I'll have her." I said.

"See? That's perfect. You can just show her around and don't even think about Dalton." She said.

"Okay." I said.

I placed my arm over her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"That's my sweet girl. Now go home and pack please. Our flight leaves early tomorrow." Mom said.

"It's a jet. The flight leaves when I get there." I said.

"But we have to be courteous of the pilot's time." She said.

"You're absolutely correct." I told her.

My ex-husband, Dalton, was getting married in my hometown in two weeks. I don't know why he had chosen to get married there, but he did. And he invited me along with my mom, my grandmother, and my best friend.

"Oh by the way, the HVAC machine needs to be replaced, so Nonna said it was pretty hot when she visited the house." Mom said.

"How hot?" I asked.

"Like eighty five degrees." She said.

"Hell no. Absolutely not." I said.

"I thought you might say that. You know I like the house hot anyway, so I'm fine." Mom said.

"Well Vic and I will be getting a hotel because that sounds horrid." I told her.


"I'm so excited to see where you grew up!" Victoria smiled from my bed.

"It's nothing special really." I shrugged as I folded a shirt.

"Well I'm excited. I've taken you to Sacramento fifty billion times and I have yet to go to Boca Raton. It's unfair." She said.

"Probably because I've only been like once since I moved." I said.

"And you never talk about it either. Like what did you do for fun? Who did you hang out with? I know nothing." Vic said.

I hated thinking about my past. I couldn't dare bring myself to think about the things I did as a teenager.

"I hung out with Alexa all the time. You know that." I said.

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