Chapter 7

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I came up on the half pipe and went back down. I came up on the other side and went back down. I went to the other side again, and I realized I was pretty high up. When I made it up again, I spun in the air one and a half times before going back down. I stopped my board and kicked it into my hand when I got to the middle of the ramp.

"I think I can do a nine hundred." I said.

"You can." Hayes nodded.

"Please don't do a nine hundred." Atticus said.

"Cullen?" I asked.

"I think you got it." He said.

"No she doesn't." Atticus said.

"I do!" I said.

I skated back and forth on the half pipe until I got to the top of the ramp. I went back and forth until I felt I was high enough. When I came up, I spun twice before I felt my board touch the half pipe. I fell off my board and slammed on the ramp. I slid down to the bottom.

"Told you!" Atticus said.

There was an aching pain in my arm. I stood up and looked at the boys.

"Don't wanna alarm you all, but my arm is for sure broken." I said.

"Of course it is." Atticus said.

"They should give you one of those hole punch cards at the hospital." Hayes said as he put his arm around me.

"I'd have like a free visit by now." I said.


"Sup, kid." Dad smiled as he walked into the hospital room.

"Hey, Dad." I said.

He sat on the chair as I sat on the examination table.

"How many times have you broken that arm?" He asked.

"On my fourth time." I said.

"You're just like me." Dad said.

My phone played 'Popular'. I took it out of my pocket and ended the call.

"Can I ask you something?" I said as I looked up at Dad.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I just feel like you're the only one that can help. Uncle Dean could probably help actually." I said.

"Don't you bring his goddamn name up." Dad said.

My dad and his brother hated each other, but his brother was the smart one.

"Okay, you'll do." I said.

"Hit me with it." Dad said.

"I've been kinda trying to play this role for Ariana. That's what it feels like. It feels like I'm playing a fucking character. I act like it doesn't bother me that she has her perfect boyfriend, but it does bother me. I try to act cool in front of her, and I try to get her attention by acting like I can kiss her with no regard. News flash, there's some fucking regard. And I'm in love with her so it kills me to act like some fucking dickhead, but I assumed maybe she would like me better if I pretended I could handle being best friends who are in love with each other but don't act on those feelings. I feel like such a bad person. I don't know how to be a dick. And then I got really mad and called her a whore on accident which was so wrong of me. Like the anger was okay, but calling her that? I wanted to crawl into a hole. Also I kissed her when I wanted Christian to leave her house, and she kissed me back but we haven't done anything since, and I wanna keep it that way. I know we'll never work out, but I love her, and I can't stop letting her control my life because I would do literally anything for her." I said quickly.

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