Chapter 15

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"Y/N, are you listening to me?" Hailey asked.

"I'm teaching you history right now. Do you understand that there is only one Justin Timberlake? Do you get that?" I said as I looked at the road ahead.

"This is torture." She groaned as she threw her head back against the seat.

I turned up 'TKO' by Justin Timberlake.

"You been swinging after the bell and after all the whistle blows!" I sang loudly as I leaned over to her.

She pushed me away. Hailey turned the volume down on the music.

"This is serious. I can't talk to Daddy about it. I really like Rico. Do you think it's a good idea to sneak out? I wanna spend the night at his place." Hailey said.

"Do you understand that I was at your birth? I literally raised you if you think about it. Do you think I wanna think about you sneaking out to stay at a boy's house?" I said.

"Y/N, you didn't raise me." She said.

"When you were a baby, I was at every drop off between your parents. What do you call that?" I said.

"Y/N, seriously! What should I do? If Daddy catches me, I don't know what will happen." She said.

"Uh I know what will happen. Georgie will kill Rico, and then he's gonna kill me because I knew about it, and then he's gonna lock you away in the house forever." I said.

"So it's not worth it?" Hailey asked. "You can't tell me you never snuck out to see a girl."

"Of course I did, but it's different when I do it." I said.

"What's so different?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"The difference is I can't get pregnant, dumbass. Now I say you should only sneak out if you're positive you can't get caught." I said.

"I'm like ninety five percent positive." My little cousin said.

"Not good enough." I told her.

"Y/N, look at that fucking dumbass on the side of the road. Who doesn't know how to change a tire?" Hailey said.

"Fucking weak." I said.

As we drove by, Hailey yelled. I slammed on the breaks.

"Y/N, it's Ariana Grande! Pull over!" She screamed.

"Why would you yell like that?" I yelled as I pulled over.

I put my car in reverse and backed up a good sixty feet. I put the car in park, and Hailey jumped out of the car. I turned my car off and opened the door. I got out and shut the door behind me.

"Oh my God! You're Ariana fucking Grande! This is the best day of my life! I can't even believe this!" Hailey yelled as she ran to Ariana.

I watched as Ariana smiled at the girl. Then she saw me. She looked between me and the girl a few times.

"Honey, I hate to ask, but is that your mother?" Ariana asked Hailey.

"What? No! What's her name? Y/N? I can't even think right now. What is she to me?" Hailey said.

"Hailey, you're acting real normal by the way." I said.

Tattooed Heart (Ariana Grande/You) Where stories live. Discover now