Put Down

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Summary: Lexie is old and Mallory has to get her out down

Warnings: death of an emotional support pet, grieving, Mallory not taking care of herself, child neglect kinda, panic attack.


Mallory would never forget that month. The worst of her life.

Mallory's heart raced as she watched Lexie curl up in a corner of the living room, her usual playfulness replaced by a lethargic demeanour. Lexie had been her constant companion for nearly two decades, having been adopted when Mallory was just 20 years old. Now, at 39, the bond between them was unbreakable.

Worry gnawed at Mallory as she observed Lexie's lack of appetite and the occasional cough that had developed over the past few weeks. Unable to ignore her friend's condition any longer, Mallory scheduled an appointment with Dr. Thompson, the local veterinarian. The waiting room seemed unusually quiet as Mallory sat there with Lexie nestled in her arms, her soft fur providing a small comfort amidst the growing anxiety.

Finally, their turn came, and Mallory carried Lexie into the examination room. Dr. Thompson, a gentle and experienced vet, greeted them and began a thorough examination of Lexie. Mallory's heart pounded as she watched the doctor's expression grow more serious with each passing moment. After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Thompson let out a sigh.

"Mallory, I'm afraid I have some difficult news," he said gently, Italian flowing gently. "Lexie is quite old now, and her symptoms are indicative of some serious health issues. Her body is struggling, and her quality of life might be compromised."

Mallory's eyes welled up with tears, and she clutched Lexie closer to her chest. "What can we do, Doctor? I'll do anything to help her."

Dr. Thompson nodded empathetically. "I understand how much you care for her, Mallory. We can explore some treatments to ease her discomfort, but we must also consider her well-being. It's a difficult decision, but as her guardian, it's your responsibility to put her comfort first."

The words hit Mallory like a tidal wave. The thought of losing Lexie was unbearable. She had been there through every milestone, every joy, and every challenge in Mallory's life. Lexie had been her rock, her emotional support in times of need.

After a tearful conversation with Dr. Thompson, Mallory made the decision to take Lexie back home. She couldn't fathom the idea of saying goodbye just yet. Or ever, really. She knew Lexie was old, but the depth of their connection was beyond age or time. As they left the veterinary clinic, Mallory held Lexie close, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision that loomed before her.

Days turned into a week, and Mallory did everything in her power to make Lexie comfortable. She kept a vigilant watch over her, administering medication, preparing her favourite meals, and spending every waking moment by her side. Lexie's condition stabilized, but Mallory could see that she wasn't the same vibrant cat she had known for so long.

The air was heavy with an unspoken tension that had settled over their household, and Peter couldn't quite put his finger on what had changed. The usual vibrancy that filled their home seemed muted, and his mother, Mallory, had been distant lately. He had noticed that she spent most of her time with their ailing cat, Lexie, leaving little room for their usual shared activities.

Mallory's days had settled into a rhythm of tender moments spent by Lexie's side. Her once vibrant Scottish Fold now seemed fragile, her energy waning, and her appetite diminished. Mallory's world had narrowed to the quiet moments they shared, her heart heavy with the knowledge that their time together was slipping away.

In the midst of this emotional journey, Taylor Peter were deeply concerned for her well-being.

One afternoon, as Peter returned from school, he found his mother sitting alone in the living room, her gaze fixed on one of their cats. Determined to break the silence, he walked over and sat down beside her. "Mom," he began tentatively, "is everything okay?"

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