Forever Winter

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A/N: guys it's 2am don't expect a taylor swift levelled essay

Summary: mallory relapses (for dickless4lifers )

warnings: relapse ofc, heavy drug use, mourning, overdosing, main character death ofc, vomiting, heroin, ecstasy, funerals


Mallory had always been a fighter. She had battled through tough times, addiction, and despair, but now she faced a different kind of challenge. A slump had settled over her life, a heavy cloud of darkness that threatened to suffocate her spirit.

Two years of sobriety after her slip-up in 2016 had brought her stability and the opportunity to rebuild her life. She had rekindled her relationships with her family, especially her little sister, August. They were her motivation, her reason for waking up each morning with a sense of purpose. But now, that purpose was slipping through her fingers.

It began with a gradual sense of restlessness that gnawed at her insides. Mallory couldn't pinpoint the exact moment it started, but she knew it was there, lurking just beneath the surface. Old urges, the ones she had fought so hard to suppress, began to resurface in her mind.

Each day felt like a battle. She tried to focus on her family, to immerse herself in their love and support, but the darkness was relentless. The more she tried to push it away, the stronger it seemed to become. The urge to retreat into her old habits became overwhelming.

One evening, as Mallory sat alone in her quiet home, she felt the weight of the slump pressing down on her. She remembered the times when she had turned to substances to numb the pain of existence. Those moments of escape, however temporary, had been seductive in their promise of relief.

Mallory knew she couldn't let herself go down that path again. She had come too far, and her family depended on her. Her sister needed her to be strong, to be her rock. She couldn't let August down, not after all they had been through together.

Desperation set in as Mallory tried to resist the dark urges that threatened to consume her. She called her sponsor, her lifeline during her recovery, and poured out her fears and anxieties. Her sponsor listened patiently, reminding her of the strength she had found in sobriety and the importance of reaching out for support.

But the struggle continued. Mallory couldn't escape the relentless pull of the past. She knew she had to find healthier ways to cope with her slump. It just seemed easier said than done.

Mallory sat on the edge of her bed, looking at the disposable phone that had been tucked away in her drawer for years. Without thinking, she turned it on and dialled the only number in it.

Mallory could barely think as she walked with a limp in her step down to the place they had arranged to meet. She frowned when she saw his stupid smirk, the smirk that said 'I'm about to ruin your life' in every known language.

"What do you have?" She asked.

"What do you want?"

"Anything," Mallory said honestly. "I just need to feel something."

The man smirked. "I've got just the thing, princess," He pulled out a small vial and needle. "That's sixty."

Mallory wasn't a fan of needles, but nodded anyway. "Thank you."

"I also have some Ecstasy, if you like." he held up a small baggie of two pills. "That's sixty, too."

"You're robbing me, man," Mallory murmured as she handed him six twenty's.

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