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A/N: I hope it makes sense lol

Summary: AU where Taylor and Mallory meet in high school after Mallory and her family move to Tennessee

Warnings: domestic abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, teenage lovers, everyone but Taylor was born three years earlier. Mallory and Taylor are 17.


Mallory's life took an unexpected turn when she was just 15 years old. She was the fourth of six children, each sibling forming a tight-knit bond that provided solace in the midst of their challenging upbringing. The family lived in a picturesque suburban neighbourhood where neighbours exchanged pleasantries and white picket fences adorned manicured lawns.

Mallory had always known she was different. She grappled with her sexual orientation, discovering her attraction to girls in a world that seemed to only celebrate heterosexuality. The weight of this secret grew heavier as she navigated her teenage years, compounded by the expectations of her conservative upbringing. Within the confines of her family's home, her father's strict religious beliefs cast a shadow over her true self.

As Mallory grew older, she found solace in her friendships with Soraya and Joe, who became her confidantes and allies. The three friends shared their fears and aspirations late into the night, forming a bond that felt unbreakable. It was to Soraya and Joe that Mallory first confided about her sexuality, tears streaming down her face as she revealed her truth. Her friends enveloped her in a warm embrace, reassuring her that they loved her just the same.

Yet, as Mallory had feared, the revelation tore her family apart. Her father's face contorted with anger and disbelief as he shouted hurtful words, condemning her for what he saw as an affront to his values. The once-strong familial ties began to unravel, and Mallory found herself increasingly isolated from her parents and some of her siblings.

Amid this turmoil, Mallory's emotions reached a breaking point. She had endured emotional and verbal abuse for months, and one evening, after a particularly heated argument, she dialled the police. With a trembling voice, she revealed that her father had subjected her to physical and emotional abuse, all because of something that she couldn't control.

The police arrived, concern etched across their faces as they took in Mallory's tear-stained cheeks and trembling hands. She recounted the emotional and physical torment she had endured, desperately hoping that someone would intervene and put an end to her suffering. The officers nodded, promising a thorough investigation into the matter.

But justice proved elusive. Unbeknownst to Mallory, her father had connections that reached deep into the local law enforcement. As the investigation unfolded, it became clear that he had used his financial influence to cast doubt on Mallory's claims. The police officers who had shown concern now seemed sceptical, their attitudes mirroring the society that often turned a blind eye to abuse within the family.

Mallory's father, sensing the precariousness of the situation, made a decision that shattered her world once again. He paid off the police, effectively silencing the investigation and allowing the family to escape the consequences of his actions. Mallory's heart sank as she realized that the very system she had turned to for help had been compromised.

"Everyone out," Greg told his family after dinner was finished the night that the case was sealed. "Leonard, get your sister, please."

"Okay, Daddy," The eight-year-old smiled widely when his father ruffled her hair.

Elodie took the plates as the children left the room, rushing up to their bedrooms to be as far away as possible from the room when Mallory got downstairs.

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