Illicit Affairs

558 21 16

Summary: Taylor and Inez are having an affair. AU requested by dickless4lifers

Warnings: cheating, punching


It was a Wednesday when they met.

The cafe was drenched in warm, muted sunlight that filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow on the scattered tables. Taylor sat alone, nursing her cappuccino, a sense of anticipation gnawing at her. She had decided to take the plunge and meet Inez, her girlfriend's sister, for the first time.

Mallory had never been forthcoming about her family, and her relationship with Inez had always been shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Taylor wanted to change that, to forge a connection with Mallory's sister, hoping it would strengthen their own relationship.

As she sat there, Taylor couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves in her stomach. She glanced around, trying to appear nonchalant while waiting for Inez to arrive. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the door swing open, and Inez entered the cafe.

Inez was nothing like Taylor had imagined. She exuded a magnetic confidence that immediately drew Taylor's attention. Her light, wavy hair framed her face, and her expressive eyes scanned the room, finally locking onto Taylor's. There was a hint of curiosity and recognition in Inez's gaze.

Taylor couldn't suppress her smile and waved, feeling a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation. Inez returned the smile and made her way toward Taylor's table.

"Hi there," Taylor greeted, her voice warm with genuine friendliness. "I'm Taylor."

"Inez," her sister's voice had always been clear in her head. Inez extended her hand, and Taylor shook it, feeling a strange connection in that simple touch.

As they settled into the conversation, something surprising happened. Inez laughed at Taylor's jokes, not just politely but wholeheartedly. She chuckled at Taylor's anecdotes and witty comments, her laughter filling the air and drawing the attention of other cafe-goers.

It was an experience Taylor hadn't had in a long time. Mallory was usually reserved and rarely found humor in Taylor's jokes. But Inez was different. She laughed freely, her eyes sparkling with genuine amusement. It was a feeling of validation Taylor hadn't experienced in her relationship with Mallory.

As the conversation flowed, Taylor couldn't help but be drawn to Inez's infectious laughter and vibrant personality. They talked about their favorite books, shared stories about their travels, and discussed their shared love for obscure indie films. It was as if they were kindred spirits, discovering each other's quirks and eccentricities with every passing moment.

Hours slipped by unnoticed as they continued to laugh and chat. Taylor found herself becoming more and more comfortable in Inez's presence, a sense of belonging and acceptance settling in her heart. It was a feeling she had longed for in her relationship with Mallory but had never quite achieved.

As the afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky, Taylor and Inez reluctantly realised it was time to part ways. Taylor couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance, a connection that had unexpectedly deepened in the span of a few hours.

"Inez, it's been amazing getting to know you," Taylor said with sincerity, her eyes meeting Inez's with a hint of vulnerability.

Inez smiled, and Taylor couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lingered for a moment longer. "Likewise, Taylor. I have to say, I haven't laughed like this in ages. You're genuinely funny."

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