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I've sat her for ten minutes waiting to get out. The guys are just scrolling threw twitter and instagram. I gave Connor a death glare. "Welp, I'm done lets go home",. I got out of the bed and grabbed my phone. Lucky me I was wearing my outfit. The boys pilled out of the room. Sam bumped into me on purpose. "Excuse me, I know you don't like me but guess what your going to have to deal with it.", I sassed him. I can hear Ricky giggling. Sass always wins.

********In the car*******


I'm still laughing about what happened in the hospital. I mean she sassed the sass out of Sam. Takeda pulls out her phone. IT A IPHONE 6 PLUS?!?!

Ricky just realized that I have an I phone 6 plus. "Um hello earth to Ricky",I say. " Ricky if you don't stop starring I'm going to slap you and trust me you don't want that to happen do you?", I say agian. Next thing I know my phone is out if my hand and on my photos. "RICKY HAVE YOU HEARD OF PRIVETY!", I yell. All heads turn to me except Connor he was driving. I had the perfect revenge for Ricky and the boys. " Ricky I nominate you to do the ice bucket challenge. His face was priceless

We arivved to the house and I unlocked the door with my hand and get in. I walk in. Kian asked me"How did you open the door. " " I was unlocked "I lied smoothly. "Oh okay" he said back. I smirked they don't know what happens when you mess with me. I wrote down every thing on an app and hid on a different screen.
Hello fellow person it me of you already guessed. Oh how do think Takeda unlocked the door with her hand still no comments about Takeda looks. Please comment. So this is how it goes. Put all looks that I told you in one comment . I will randomly school with my eyes closed. Then who ever I pick gets to be a person in the book if your a girl your a girl of your a boy your a boy.





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