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I got of jail early because they believed my stories. Acacia had to say. I see Takeda walk home with a cute girl. Sam what are you thinking shes only 10!? Takeda runs up to upstairs. And locks the door. I run up to each room and check each room. No Takeda. I went into Trevors Room to see if she was there then I heard a ring tone. The piano music of see you again. I run down stairs to see Takeda eating breakfast. "Takeda why are you eating breakfast at this time." I said.
"Its 8:27 I can eat." She replied. I heard a knock in the door. "I'll get it!!!" Takeda yells. She opens the door and then she has wide eyes.


Betty the school bully stood up there. She was wearing a crop top and shorts. And heels. "Hey slut!" She yells at me. "Sorry your face is not required here." I said closing the door. All the boys run down stairs and place their butts on the couch. She holds the door. With her hand and I open it again. " You better let me in Kathie." She said. "Oh hey Betty White, did I tell you that should be at home with your cats."I say. Connor walks over to me and asked me what Betty is doing here. " Connor She spilled Orange juice on me. Today then she dumped water over my head at lunch." I answer. I open the door on Betty . good thing I put security cameras around the house. I stared at her heels than they snapped and she fell. I shut the door on her. I look out the window I see her walking bare footted. So I snapped my fingers and the Made It rain then I guess hail. Would help. "Cassie Come here!" I yell from the window I was looking at. I snapped my finger and hail came crossing down on Betty White. I took a picture of her and posted it on Twitter. It got over 400 Retweets. "Cassie since its raining can you sleep over." Next thing the power is out. I put up a fire ball in my hand because it was dark as heck. Cassie had a grip on me. It was so dark that all 6 boys if the boys phones couldn't even light up. "Follow the fire ball!" I yelled. Everybody followed me. I lead everybody to there rooms and put a little flame ball. I a fire proof contained box. Cassie and I went to my room and had a Netflix marathon.
I know what you are thinking "the power is out how the f*ck can you do that". Well since my room wasn't built in this house and its like a magically room. So that explains it.


Me and Takeda are having a Netflix Marathon. Then I spot a mini fridge the corner of the room. I walk over to it and saw a life time of Arizona and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I grabbed one for my self then Takeda said" Get me one to". So I grabbed one for her to. Takeda was alsleep so I was about fall asleep when I see Betty throwing rocks at the door . I open and she attacks me I got up and punched her nose. She yanks my hair and she walks out I pull on her her afro hair and she starts to scream. She slaps me and then I felt someone pick me up. Betty pulls me from the persons arm and then yells at him Takeda comes racing down stairs. "Cassandra are you okay!?!?" "Yeah just got in a fight with Betty White." I said. Betty comes up and kisses the guy who was holding me. "Trevor!!" Takeda yells. Oh so his name his Trevor. (Lets pretend that Trevor is 14.). Trevor pulls away from the kiss. "Your my boyfriend now." Betty says. "Hell no." He says. Back Betty walks out and agian Takeda makes her heels brake. Man I wish I was Takeda.



OKAY so who ever read this story. Commet me so you get a follow back from iawsometo!!

Stay Awesome


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