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I woke at 2:00 in the morning. I got every thing ready. 6 buckets of ice and water. I put flour in all their shampoo bottles. "Ricky I make pancakes." Where." I splashed the ice cold water in to his face. I ran out side of his room and locked the door with my hand. By magic powers. I herd Ricky taking a shower. So I unlocked the door and sprayed the floor with non-stick cooking oil. I poked a hole though Ricky's door and waited for him to come out. I locked the door. With my hands. I hear foot steps. I look though the door hole and saw Ricky fall. Omg that was so funny.

Next was Connor. "Connor some one is here." He woke up. "THIS IS WHAT U GET AT DA HOSPITAL!!!" I yell.
Then I splashed him with the ice cold water. I run out of the room and lock the door before he can get out. "TAKEDA!!!" Connor said mad. I love this.

Next the one and only Jc Calyen. "JC THE AMBULANCE IS HERE TO TAKE U." I yell. He jumps out of his bed and I splashed him with ice cold water. I run out of the room. And lock the door with my hands. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR LAUGHING AT MY NAME!!" I yell outside of the door. He sounds so angry.

Sam and Trevor and Kian are next since they had a sleepover with out me they get a extra bucket. With out saying a word I dumped e ach bucket of ice on their heads. They woke up so cold.I lock the door with my hands.

I put a protective shield around me and unlock the doors they all come chargeing after me and started trying to tackle me but that wasn't going to happen. Sam kept hitting. About 2 minutes later Sam stoped hitting because his hands got sore. I took the shield down. Then Sam grabbed my shirt and said "You freak nobody likes you I don't know why even Connor rescued you." Hold up. I was about to rage. I couldn't hold it in. My body temperature gets hot like lava. My eyes turn red. I stare at them all. "TAKEDA NO PLEASE IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT IM SORRY. TAKEDA NO!!!!" Sam said . all the boys back up. I put my hand up about to hurt Sam. I saw all the boys in fear. I ran outside and ran in their back yard. I hear footsteps. Coming closer to me. "TAKEDA!" They all yell at the same time. "GO AWAY SAM WAS RIGHT I AM A FREAK AND NOBODY LIKES ME" I yelled. I got up and left fire foot prints in my way I had to find a way home but where was it, not with the boys or the streets. I had no choice but to go back to boys house. So I went back and knock on thier door the door opened and it was..........



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