Chapter 1

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"Maci! Are you coming? Our plane leaves at noon sharp. It's already close to 10, girl."

Maci groaned internally, even though she knew her co-worker and travel companion, April, meant well. Usually things were the other way around: Maci making sure April had her shit together. But, not today.

No. That was because Maci had another night of tossing and turning; not because of a nightmare, but because of her boy–– scratch that, ex-boyfriend, Evan. It had been a little over a week since they had officially decided to take a step back, but Maci felt like it was the longest week of her life.

She would put on a happy face for work, leave her phone purposefully in her car so she wouldn't be tempted to call or text him, and then come home to let out any residual anger or sadness with some wine. Okay, a lot of wine.

She didn't have any last night, which may have explained her lack of an easy sleep. Usually after some alcohol, she was able to fall asleep no problem. But, not last night. Last night her brain was stuck on she and Evan's final words. She wouldn't call it a goodbye, nor a farewell. It was...a bittersweet ending to their whirlwind relationship.

Why don't we just call it what it is?


I'm sorry.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by April's hand in front of her face. "Hello? Earth to Maci? Come on, we've got to go!"

"Right, right. Sorry." She left the ponytail holder on her wrist for right now, deciding she could tame her messy waves in whatever vehicle their work had sent for them. She yanked her suitcase to its upright position, and followed April down from the apartment. Well, her apartment. Usually it was Maci making sure April was up and at 'em, but again: things were switched today. April had shown up bright and early – 8AM – with coffee and doughnuts, and Maci begrudgingly let her in.

They hopped into the black town car and headed for the airport. They were flying direct from Nashville to Los Angeles, so they had a good 30 minute drive to the Nashville airport. Maci filled the time by wrangling her hair into a messy bun that only looked like it took 5 seconds – instead of 5 minutes – to do. Then, she and April made small talk, going over the itineraries and schedule for their seminar.

Maci's eyes scanned over the two pieces of paper in her hands again.
















and so on and so forth for their itineraries. Their schedules for the event were a bit more detailed, with times, topics, and locations of all their meetings, including astricks by the ones they were speaking at.

Maci put the papers back into her purse (her carry on for the trip), before shoving her hands back into her jacket pockets. She had dressed casually for the plane ride, as she knew it was just going to be she and April all day today. Jeans, an old high school tee, and a zip-up hoodie was her outfit of choice. She crossed her ankles, staring at her beat up Keds. She'd never get rid of them, even though they were pretty worn.

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