Chapter 5

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"I can't believe you finished before me!" Heidi said, baffled by Evan's ability.

"I am a man of many talents," he kidded to her, earning another shove on the shoulder as they walked out to their cars.

"Yeah, right."

"Whatever, HQ."

"Alright, well, hey, you're getting real good, Calligan. Can't believe you only have what? 3 weeks left with us? Or was this your third week?"

"Hell if I know. Whenever August 6 is, that's when I'm done. It's the day I have my flight back anyhow."

"Got it. Well, good work today. See you Monday, okay?"


As he drove home, he decided to call Ben to fill him in on his boring day, but more importantly, his thoughts that were bugging him earlier.

"Hey Evan," Harrison's voice came through his car speakers. "What's up?"

"Not much. Had a bitch of a day with paperwork, but honestly, it was okay by me. I needed something to distract me. My mind has apparently gone back to square one," he said, hoping Ben would get the hint.

"The what now?"

"Maci, Ben! Maci," Evan repeated through gritted teeth. He bit back a groan as he continued the drive to his place.

"Oh," Ben replied slowly, apparently getting the message now. "Shit, man, I'm sorry. Well, if it's any consolation, she and April will be in LA for 6 weeks, so you and me get two weeks of pure bro time–"

"Wait, what?"

"I was just saying how we can hang out–"

"No, before that Ben. What'd you say about LA?"

"Oh, that. April called me and told me she and Maci were offered a contract at that seminar place in LA. They're staying through mid August. I uh, I thought that would be helpful to hear man. I'm sorry. Is it not?"

Evan sighed heavily, running his hand through his hair as he came to a stoplight. "No, I mean, yes. I mean–" he let out a frustrated scream. "Dammit! I don't know what I mean!"

"Dude, take a breath okay? Listen, you've got what? A few more weeks till you're back here in Harrowbrook, right? Just hold out 'till then, and we'll figure this thing out."

"I really didn't expect to miss her, man. I really didn't." Evan admitted.

"Considering I've never seen you this crazy about someone, I'm surprised too," Ben replied.

"I'll be back August 6, okay? I'll keep you posted if something changes between now and then, but for now, I'll see you then." Evan said, not really feeling like talking anymore.

"Yeah. You gonna be okay, Evan?"

"Yeah, no worries Ben. Just gonna need a drink. Or five. Good thing I don't go in until Monday. I've got the weekend off, and I'm gonna use any chance I can to get rid of these shitty feelings."

"Don't go too crazy," Ben warned.

"Yeah yeah, thanks Dad," Evan mocked. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sure. Bye Evan."


When he arrived back at his place, Evan threw the car in park before banging his hands against the steering wheel. So Maci wasn't coming back to him until mid-August. To Tennessee, he corrected himself. Ya'll aren't together anymore, remember? He sighed, leaning his head back against the seat for a second as he exhaled.

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