Chapter 18

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It'd been two weeks since their technical split, and while Maci was doing good for a while, she could feel herself slipping through the cracks. It all started when she forgot her presentation notes for work, and then she couldn't focus in their editor meeting. April tried to help her out, but even she couldn't cover for the fact that Maci simply wasn't Maci.

Zoning out, minor, somewhat muted tones, a lack of pizazz. Those were the things that Maci knew were noticeable. So, she wasn't entirely surprised her boss called her into his office at the end of the second week.

"Maci, we love having you here. But, if this is too much for you right now, I'd rather you take some time to get your head right. Your job will be here, but I want you to come back to work clearheaded, okay? We've got major deadlines coming up, and I can't have my staff losing focus."

She bit her lip to keep from crying, but nodded, and told him thank you. She knew, deep down, he was right. She wasn't focused, her mind was somewhere else. Your mind is on someone else. She sighed as she walked back to her desk to tell April she was taking the next week off. At least.

"Maci, I'm sorry. But I think you'll feel better in time, you know? Go get some rest. Are you good to drive home and whatnot? You just gonna chill at your apartment?"

Maci shook her head side to side as she packed up her bag. "Actually, no, I think I'm gonna go visit my mom and sister for the week. I think I just need a change of scenery for a bit. But, thank you, April. I really appreciate it."

Her co-worker nodded, and Maci made sure to give her a hug before she left. She had some packing to do.

Back at Evan's parent's house, the end of his week was actually decent. He'd seen another doctor, who'd said his range of motion wasn't affected by the injury. He should regain it fully within another week, and right now, the big cast could come off. He just needed to keep it wrapped, and obviously, no strenuous activities. Evan could live with that. He really could.

He'd called Ethan from the doctor's office parking lot, and his brother was happy. "That's awesome, bro, really. That's the good news I'm sure you've been waiting to hear. So, does that mean you'll be back to work soon, or....?"

Evan honestly didn't know, but Ethan's question reminded him that he did need to call his captain, or at the very least, Ben, to inquire about that.

"Not sure yet. Lemme get back to you, okay?"

"Sure. Congrats again, man."

"Thanks, Ethan."

He drove home, eager to tell his parents the good news too. When he did, their faces were priceless. Joyful would be the word to describe it. So joyful in fact, that they even gave him their blessing to go back to work (not that he needed it – but it was nice to have them back on his side).

He'd never dialed the phone so fast in his life. Ben answered with his usual greeting. "Harrison."

"Ben! You'll never believe it, but I'm cleared! No lasting damage, I should regain all motion. I even got my parent's stamp of approval on coming back to work!"

"What?! Oh my God, seriously?! Dude, that's amazing! Man, I mean, I've missed you, but I know everyone else has too. These last – what? Almost 3 weeks now – haven't been the same without you. Do you want me to give Samson the good news?"

"Well, I still think I'd like to stay with my folks for a bit. I still have almost a week left if I want it, so I think I'm going to take it. But, I'll be sure to call him after this and let him know!"

"Sounds fine to me. Well, hell, thanks for telling me, buddy. You made my day."

"Sure thing, Ben. Talk to you later."

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