Chapter 3

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"April, get up!" Maci's usual "get to it" voice echoed throughout the quiet hotel room. "We've got 30 minutes till the day starts. And today is our first presentation!"

"Yeah yeah, chill," April said groggily as she slowly made her way out of bed.

Maci was already up, dressed, and fixed her hair and makeup. She liked having a routine, at least somewhat of one while traveling. It made her feel like things were normal. Normal was what she needed right now.

Ten minutes later, April was presentable, so the duo went downstairs to grab some coffee.

"Much better," April said, grinning at Maci as she downed some of her coffee.

"Yep," Maci agreed, savoring the warmth. She'd been getting more into coffee than usual while out here in LA. Wasn't really sure why, but she wasn't really sure she minded it either.

They made their way into the conference hall for their next round of meetings, where it was all about crafting characters and building their backgrounds. Maci would speak on how to create visuals in terms of image, April would speak on the importance of setting in any written world.

They were on their second meeting before it was their turn. Maci spoke first, then April. The duo then held their Q&A, and successfully answered the commentators inquiries.

After their final meeting was done for the day, they were on their way out when a woman stopped them. Maci had seen her at every single meeting, before catching sight of her nametag. Bethany Jones, the director of the summer seminar and summit programs. Oh, okay, this could either be very good or very bad. Maci was hoping for the former, but she knew to always expect the latter because well, that's just how her life worked as of late.

"Excellent job today ladies," Bethany praised, a big smile on her face. "You guys are naturals!"

"Oh wow, coming from you, that's the highest compliment," April gushed back.

"Thank you so much," Maci chimed in, hoping her voice was confident and not timid.

"Well you're welcome. April, you certainly know how to work a room. And Maci, that presentation was fantastic. The organization and flow, very nice work. Both of you."

"Thanks," they replied in unison. There was an awkward pause before they made their exit, but that didn't stop them from grinning at each other on their way back to their hotel. That went well.

"Oh my gosh, can you believe that! Bethany Jones liked our work!" Maci exclaimed as she collapsed on her bed.

April flung herself down on her own bed before answering. "Hell yeah girl, I told you, we got this!"

"I just wasn't expecting that from her, was all. I mean I didn't even know the director sat in on every presentation or meeting. She's been to all of them so far!"

April shrugged before leaning on her elbows. "I didn't either, but hey, at least she noticed us. That's gotta count for something, right?"

"Yeah," Maci said warmly, still feeling excited about the recognition. It was just the kind of positive boost she needed right now.

"Well, I think this calls for a celebration," April declared, hopping up and tossing some clothes out of her suitcase and onto her bed. When Maci just stared, April looked at her coworker. "Well! Come on Maci!" She clapped her hands for added affect. "Chop chop!"

"Oh god April, I don't think I can handle another night of dancing," Maci whined, begrudgingly stepping over to her suitcase.

"Oh please, we're going to the poshest restaurant and treating ourselves!" April said before plucking an emerald green strapless dress out of her pile of clothes. "So you better wear that beaded dress!"

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