Chapter 19

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Even though they spent the night together, the couple spent the rest of the daylight with their families. Evan was with his family; Maci drove back to finish up her stay with hers. They were still communicating with each other via text, or the occasional good morning or goodnight phone call. But, they both wanted to take the their alone time seriously; they knew they'd be back together soon enough.

"I still can't believe it," Maggie had said a few days later. "I guess I just assumed you'd stay with him, or that ya'll would drive back to one of your apartments!" She cracked a smile; Maci attempted to toss a pillow from the sofa at her sister.

"Just saying!"

"I'm just saying–" Maci began, turning towards her. "We're really good, Maggie. It's like, we both needed this space, but it's brought us closer to together in some ways. I think because we both realized how we helped each other through some of the worst things, but we've also been a part of each other's lives for a bit now to see the good too."

"Well, I'm happy for ya, Maci, I really am. You deserve to be treated well, and while yes, you and Evan have had your differences, he is genuinely a good guy. I can tell."

"Yeah, he is," Maci replied, tilting her head as she was remembering she and Evan's first date. That restaurant with all those twinkly lights. All because he saw a movie lying amongst her collection at her apartment. No one had taken the time to do something like that for her before. No one really wanted to know or pick up on the littlest things about her. It was sweet, thoughtful. And she loved him for it.

"So, not that I don't love having you here," Maggie interjected, pulling Maci out of her thoughts. "But, don't you have a job to get back to at some point?"

Maci scoffed. "Yeah, I do. I go back next week," she paused to look at her calendar. It was already Thursday of her last week in Nashville, and she had emailed April to say she'd be back on Tuesday. She wanted to take the long weekend while she could. "Which is in a few days, so, I'm gonna actually get out of here Saturday morning."

Her phone buzzed at that moment, indicating a new text: Hey beautiful. Just wanted to know when you were heading back? Figured we could do something this weekend before you go back to work? Let me know!

Maci smiled at the message, sending him a quick reply of: Saturday morning. Should be back by the afternoon.

She felt her grin get wider as Evan's new message came in. Perfect. Gives me two days to plan the perfect date for us. See you soon, Mace. <3

See you Saturday, Evan. Can't wait! :)

She tucked her phone away, looking up to find Maggie eyeing her. "What?"

"You guys are so obvious it kills me. It's cute," she noted, casually shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah yeah," Maci called to her as she exited the living room. But, she couldn't help but smile giddily. She liked that familiar warmth that seemed to envelop her body. It felt comfortable, but also, reminded her of the first times they texted each other. She was feeling those same butterflies now that she was then.

She sighed, taking a breath. She knew her anxiety was going to try and tell her that meant something it didn't. No, I don't want this ruined. Evan loves me, I love him. We just need to get reacquainted. We'll be back before we know it.

Besides, that was the whole realization she had at his parent's house. Her life wasn't the same without him in it, and he was such a huge part of her life. She felt safe with him, loved by him, even when they were arguing. She knew, deep down, that he was her person. The one for her, as corny as that may sound. They worked, there was no other way to describe it.


"Dude, I can't even believe what I'm hearing!" Ben was on the phone with Evan, who had just told him this brilliant plan he'd come up with. "You're sure?"

"Yes," Evan said it with so much conviction, he knew Ben would believe it. "I am."

"Wow," Ben replied, seeming to take in the news. "Well, congratulations, Evan. I am so happy for you, and for Maci. Does she suspect anything? Oh hell," he paused, and Evan heard him sigh. "Shit, so I can't tell April a damn thing, can I?"

"Hell no!" Evan ran a hand through his hair, suddenly tensing. "Sorry," he apologized for the slight outburst. "I just– April's quite the sharer is all, you know? I don't want Maci having any idea."

"Copy that."

"Thanks, Ben. Alright, well, I'm off to make the most important purchase of my life. Wish me luck!"

"Good luck, Evan!"

"Thanks, man. Talk to you soon."

He hung up, suddenly feeling nervous. What if she said no? What if the ring wasn't right? What if...what if it was too soon? He shook his head, wishing it would push the doubts away. He loved her, and he knew she loved him. What more reason could they need? He knew, without a doubt, that he didn't want to live his life without her in it. So, putting a ring on her finger seemed like the way to emphasize that message. He just hoped it worked out in his favor.

It was two hours later, and he never knew looking at rings could a) take this long or b) be this tiring. He narrowed it down to 3 options, but he knew he needed a second opinion. He chuckled, knowing Ben was going to kill him for it. But, just as he was dialing April, another idea came to his mind. He still called April, but instead of asking her, he asked for a phone number instead.

"YOU WHAT–" April just about screamed into the phone. "OH MY GOD!"

Evan held the phone away from his ears. It was like they were on speakerphone, without, you know, actually being on speakerphone. "Yes, but I'd still like to meet her mom, just to at least ask for permission."

"Well, she's with Maci right now, y'know. So unless you swing by there, I don't know how you're going to get a minute with her to talk all this through."

That's when another idea popped into Evan's head. "April, you're a genius. Thank you."

"Damn right I am," she quipped. "But wait a minute, what're you going to do?"

"Surprise visit. It's not like it's that far away. I can drop by tomorrow, meet her family, and then go from there."

"Well alright then. Sounds like you've got it all figured out. So," she paused. "Have you picked out a ring yet?"

"That was the original reason I called."

"Oh good, cause if anyone knows jewels, it's me. Alright, switch me to FaceTime detective, it's time I do some investigating."

Evan cracked a small smile. April was always good at keeping things light. "Sure."

"Oh holy–" April began as Evan moved the phone down the small line of rings. "Wow, you did pretty darn good."

"Why thank you. But seriously, do you think she'd like one more than the other or...."

"I mean, that one in the center is catching my eye, but Evan, come on, you know her. You know what she likes, right?"

"Well yeah, I do. But, she hardly ever wears jewelry anyhow. Course, she doesn't exactly do flashy accessories, so maybe not the bigger diamond...." he decided, which eliminated the one on the left.

The left one was a bigger cut diamond, with a simple silver band. The one in the center, featured a bejeweled band, with silver crystals dotting it. The diamond was equally proportioned to the band. He studied the one on the right again. It was the last one he'd picked out, just because of the dual tones woven into it. The diamond was smaller, but it was a classic cut. The band had bits of gold in it, which reminded him of that gold dress she once wore. He knew she liked warmth: the sun, gold eyeshadow, the way her skin tanned at the beach. Her chocolate brown eyes and hair. The way her smile made her whole face light up; she positively glowed.

The more he admired the ring, the more he realized he was admiring all the qualities about Maci it reminded him of. That's when he knew he'd made the right choice.

"I'll take it," he told the jewelry attendant. Best 8 grand he'd ever spent. 

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