Chapter 13

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"Trent! Stop it! Get your hands off of her!" Evan screamed.

He'd been moved from his original space, a gun to the back of his head to make him do so. Trent had placed him in another room, this time without a door, and it was opened up so that you could actually see down below. To the first floor, where, before his very eyes, his girlfriend sat.

Ex-girlfriend. And lied down was the more correct term. Not that this was any time for correctness. All Evan could see in his vision right now was red.

The wood paneled building allowed for their voices to carry, which, in usual cases, would be just fine. But, when Evan could hear Maci scream for Trent to stop, he knew this was what Trent meant to feel like he was utterly useless.

There wasn't a damn thing he could do tied up above on this second floor. He closed his eyes, but was forced to open them back up as a blazing buzz stabbed his abdomen.

"Ah!" He groaned in pain, feeling like ten thousand shocks had been given to him. When the perpetrator stopped, it clicked to him what it was. He was being tased. Son of a bitch.

"Ah, ah, ah, detective. Don't turn away." Trent's voice carried up the short staircase and into Evan's ears. "In fact, say hello to your girlfriend."

Evan cringed as he heard Maci's pained "ow." He assumed Trent was yanking her up or something of that nature, much like he'd done to him earlier.

"Evan? Evan! Are you okay?" Her voice was understandably panicked.

"Maci? Maci! Yeah, I'm okay. Trent! Let her go!"

"No! Trent, let him go. You don't need him! You've got me now," Maci bargained.

Trent smacked the wall above her head. "But, I never really had you now, did I? No! Because he ruined it!" He huffed, and continued. "So now, I'm going to ruin you for him."

Evan's heart broke as Maci struggled against Trent. Her cries of "No's" and "Stop's" killed him.

He pulled against the ties, but it was no use. He too had been chained up like an animal. Zip ties bound his hands and feet, and duct tape sat overtop. He was completely helpless. He couldn't do anything to stop Trent from doing whatever he wanted to Maci.

And even though his rage burned through him, the sadness was what physically hurt him the most. So, Trent was wrong, in a sick turn of events. Evan didn't know at the time that he would be, but now it was all making sense.

Technically, Trent was right. He was pissed as hell, but he was sad. Sad for Maci, because he loved her, and he couldn't protect her. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. It was like he was living through a nightmare. One he could never wake up from. And that's probably what scared him the most.

Down below, Maci's fears were too becoming reality as Trent's hands were all over her. When she bit his tongue, he'd grabbed her breasts, his hands gripping so tight that Maci could feel it through her t-shirt and bra. She realized he must have removed her jacket while she was unconscious. Bastard.

"Get off of me!" She screamed, but it only seemed to egg him on.

He pressed his weight down on her, and she tried to turn her body away from his, but with all her limbs tied up, she couldn't do much. He leaned against her ear, his voice thick and hoarse. "I've missed these." He continued to knead them in his hands, his breath still hot against her face.

She gasped when she felt him on her, rocking his length against her jean clad core. He grunted, removing his hands from her chest. Her split-second of relief was short-lived when he pulled her jeans down.

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