Chapter 20

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Maci woke up on Friday, expecting to go out to the kitchen and start up coffee like she'd been doing if she was the first awake these last couple weeks. But, when she padded out towards the coffee pot in her favorite lilac nightgown, the doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock. Who on earth would be here at 9AM? She was intrigued though, and something told her she should go answer the door. So, she did.

"Oh my God," she whispered to herself when she peeked out. Evan was standing outside, holding flowers in one hand, and looking absolutely adorable in nice jeans and a button down.

"Oh my God! What're you doing here?!" She screamed happily, launching herself into his open arm.

"Hi to you too, Mace," he said into her hair. She pressed her cheek closer into his chest, savoring his scent. She missed him. She missed this.

"What in the world–" she heard her mom's voice come closer as she appeared by the kitchen. "Oh hi, Maci," she paused, taking in the sight of the gentleman hugging her daughter. "And you must be Evan," she assumed. "Well this is a nice surprise."

"So sorry I didn't call, ma'am," Evan apologized. "Hopefully these make up for the early morning surprise." He – much to Maci's shock – handed off the small bouquet of flowers to her mom. She caught sight of the card – it was in fact addressed to Melissa.

"That's awfully nice of you, Evan. Now, Maci, let the man inside for Pete's sake," her mother told her. Maci's cheeks reddened, but she stepped aside to let Evan come out of the doorway. "I'm going to put this in some water. Evan, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you, Ms. Ryerson."

"Oh please, call me Melissa."

Evan nodded as he observed his new surroundings. "Thanks, Melissa."

The couple sat down on the couch, not speaking for the brief moment Maci's mom was in the kitchen fiddling with a vase.

"Would ya'll like some coffee?"

"Sure, mom, thank you!"

"I actually stopped by a Starbucks on my way over, so I am fine. Thank you though," Evan explained.

"Of course. Hey Maci, will you go wake your sister please?"

"Yeah," she replied, jumping up off the couch. She held up one finger to Evan, signaling she'd be right back. He watched as she disappeared down the short hall. He heard a bit more rustling, before the other woman emerged from her slumber. Evan assumed that was Maggie, Maci's sister. She had on sweats and a Metallica t-shirt, her slightly auburn locks braided back. A definite contrast to Maci's soft waves and nightgown.

It was almost as if seeing Maggie in clothes reminded Maci that she was still in her pajamas. Awkward. "Um, Mags, this is Evan. Evan, this is Maggie. I....will be right back. I just realized I'm the only one not dressed in normal clothing. Excuse me."

She made a mad dash to her room, tossing on jeans and an off the shoulder tee. She wrangled her waves into a bun, but didn't actually tie it off. Just to calm them down a little so when her hair did unwind, it didn't look as wild. When she reappeared, Maggie and her mom were drinking out of mugs; Evan still sat in the same space on the sofa.

"Hi," she said to the room. Maggie and Melissa waved from the kitchen. Evan smiled at her, and she went to sit next to him.

"Hey," he whispered, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. It was then she realized he didn't have the cast on his other arm.

"Oh my gosh!" She cried, jumping up. "Why didn't you tell me you got your cast off?! Ahh, congratulations babe!" She beamed, bending over to give him a hug.

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