Kilay 2000

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Chapter 2

Knight in shining saviour...
Another project came.
A centennial Flag! As I am the leader of the group.
I need to make that difficult flag!
I've tried many times and it's not very easy to draw the double Italic 0.
All I'd drawn was very ugly!

We need to draw the 100 Centennial Flag that should cover the whole long bond paper.
How can I?
I almost cried because of frustration. And I need to submit this ASAP(as soon as possible) this afternoon.
I didn't even eat my lunch. Gosh!

Aunt Linda asked me what happened and I told her in frustration.
Good thing Giovanni was on the road near their house.
Yes, his house is near the road just 2 or 3 meters away. From our store, I can easily see him standing.

Aunt Linda shouted and called him telling him to come.

He was coming our way smiling while I felt like melting.

"Yes, Aunt?" He was asking my Aunt but his eyes were on me.

Oh, those eyes! But no never gonna melt my heart. (Never did I know that it's already melting.)

"Oh, she has a problem. Can you please help her? She doesn't know how to draw it." Aunt Linda answered.

"Hmmm, let me take a look give it to me! Hey! are you listening?" He asked.

While I am frozen standing. What is happening to me!?
Wake up It's not time for flirting!

But wait?
Who is flirting?
No! It's not me, definitely not!
I hurriedly gave him the printed picture of the centennial flag.

Then we went inside Aunt Linda's house.
He is sitting at the table while I am watching television.

He is so handsome when concentrating on doing something.
His magical hand perfectly draws the centennial flag!
I was amazed at what else this man would be able to do in the future. (capturing your heart)

The flag was finished at the right time! Thanks for this man. His handwriting looks very neat and clean. And the drawing was very awesome.

That Day I was able to submit our Group Centennial Flag and it's all thanks to Giovanni.

Eyebrow no more! (Kilay 2000)...
In this age of mine, I began to act and look feminine.
I have tons of crushes everywhere LOL. So I need to look pretty.

Seeing my friends talking about their first eyebrow baptism. I wanted to try it too. But bad luck followed me.
I accidentally shaved my eyebrow thinly.

We called it before, kilay2000.
So to match the left, I also shaved the right eyebrow thinly.

The feminine look became a disastrous one lol.
Even so, Its results are not that bad but I'm very shy about it especially when Giovanni buys at our store and he will always tease me. That I joined the trending kilay2000.

So I decided to cut my hair and put a bangs.
My ID card is the famous kilay2000!

Me and Giovanni were always quarrelling every time we met but I don't know why and how my hate turned into love.

All I know is I hated him at the same time I liked him.
Without further notice. His name was already carved deep down inside my heart...

Love him? No! It cannot be!

I'm in love with him...

I fall into the enemy's trap...

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