Paper Roses

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Chapter 3

Falling for him...
I did not know when I started to fall for the Devil's smile.
Is it love at first sight?

No matter how I convince my brain about all the bad traits and habits that Giovanni has, my heart will always dominate.

Maybe it's just a puppy love? Or whatever it is.
At the young age of mine, I still don't know.
Am I ready to fall in love?
Am I ready to get hurt?

All I know is I'm ready lol.

He became my inspiration, especially at school. There are so many suitors. (Ang haba lang ng hair haha)

But all of them are busted. Because in my mind and heart. It is only him and no one else.

Tons of assignments are given to us. But me? I'm smiling and am very happy hehe. Guess why? Because I have tons of time to be with him.
And the assignments are an excuse.

We always do the assignments every day at my Aunt Linda's house. And we became close because of that. Although my kilay2000 eyebrow is still distracting me lol.

Of all the men I've known. He is the most intelligent one. His penmanship is very beautiful compared to my duck writing. (Ano ba sa English ang parang dinaganan ng itik ang sulat kamay?)

He will always write my report in a Manila Paper and I saved all of them. (But sadly my Mom threw it all at the fire. Ginawang pang gatong haha.)

He will always be there whenever I need help, especially in my assignments.

Getting Closer...
Almost every day we've met. But I do know the fact that he has tons of Girlfriends but no matter how it is, He still managed his time to come and help me.

If I can't see him even one day, my heart will become uneasy. I wanted to see him every day, be with him, be closer to him.

He never failed me. Although we still quarrel sometimes I know this is his way to make me notice him.

But in my little heart, there are still doubts.
If he truly cares and likes me?
He didn't ever tell me. It's just that we are very close and have become friends.

And I became contented with that and I'm still very young.
Although I'm young I already had my first boyfriend lol. But we broke up the moment he went back to his hometown and so on.

It's another story so we will set aside this topic hehe.

At last after how many years lol.
He courted me haha. But I did not say yes immediately. Just a simple courting process. He just said he likes me and will court me. And asked me what was my answer and it should be yes.

He is very confident. Well, he has all the right to be confident as my heart already belongs to him. But you know we are a girl. Let's not grab it immediately. Let's make him suffer for a little.

Paper Roses...
My Mom was out in the Market and I am the one in charge of our vegetable store. When suddenly rain poured.

And was very surprised when someone touched my hair at the back! I got scared and got the potato.

I wanted to hit whoever this person that making fun of me but to my surprise. It's Giovanni. Giving his all out Smile. Oh, I will always melt whenever he smiles at me.

"Hey, what's up? " He asked.

"I'm okay," that's the only answer I could give.

"Here take this."
He gave me two paper boats.
Just what the F?
He always thinks of me as a little girl. Hay.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Paper Boats! You don't know?" That sarcastic answer of him makes him look very cool and handsome.

Oh, What is happening to me?

"Yeah, I know but I am not a Kid anymore. I don't like it."

"Just keep it there." Then he put the two boats and left.

"I'll be back wait for me," he said.

He ran out of my sight. Then, a few moments later lol he came back.

"Here it's for you!" He gave me three roses that are made of paper.

It's a cigarette paper. But it looks nice on its silver paper.

I accepted the paper roses and was very speechless. It is not a real flower but he made an effort just for me.

He is very talented. That I admire him more.
But Nah, I still did not accept his love. Not yet hehe.

I'm just really happy and my heart is dancing and singing holding the paper roses.

But my Mom is the main Antagonist in this story haha. She burned again the paper roses as I am not still allowed to have a boyfriend but never did she know that I already had before and this is the result of your parents being very strict. You will be forced to tell some white lies but this experience is very exciting. Too bad and sad for my paper roses.
It's the only flower that I've ever received in my whole life of existence.
But it is okay, the memory of Paper Roses was already placed in the deepest part of my heart.

July 11, 1998. We are officially on!
I will never forget this Month, Date, and Year.
Because this is the day that I said yes to him. And He is very happy as well as me.

But we decided to keep the relationship secret as I'm still very young and I know the second reason is he already has a girlfriend.

Many of them but only one was known to the public I felt like a third wheel but it's my choice and I am happy with it. Hurt or happiness I decided to be with him no matter what.

He asked me for a picture. And I did not have any of me except my School ID photo which is the Kilay2000 eyebrow LOL. But he said it's okay.

And it's a very funny experience, giving my photo.
He brings a newspaper with him and signals me to insert my pic. To prevent suspicion from Aunt Linda who is currently watching television at that moment.

We are at the table disguising ourselves to answer an assignment. But you know holding hands too while no one is looking lol.

The hide-and-seek relationship is very thrilling. It will give you an adrenaline rush. It's very exciting and heart-pumping. I'm glad that I experienced this kind of excitement.

Until one day I didn't expect that my heart would break because of him...

To be continued...

Paper Roses: Long Forgotten but kept Hidden (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now