It's Goodbye...

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Chapter 10

Things between me and Giovanni became blurred again. Or it's just me who is very busy at that moment.

I am working now at the Prestigious Company that I mentioned last.

Working there needs dedication and effort. I was working overtime and no news from Giovanni ever since.

He stopped visiting at my house too. Although I missed him, my work needs focus and I am very tired when I go home I will sleep straight and drop in my bed.

I was struggling at my job. It's very difficult. Good thing there's someone who always helped me.

And that's Rey. He is just a typical kind-looking guy. He lives in the Province and is a Graduate student from the Sisters of Mary Boys town.

So I find him very religious and innocent.

During that time. I forgot about Giovanni and I also heard that his playboy attitude didn't change at all.

Still, tons of Girls are all around him. And that makes me forget him more and focus on myself and work.

And I forgot to mention that Giovanni already Graduated from College with a course in Mechanical Engineering.

Even though he is a partygoer. It can never be denied that he is very intelligent.

Until one day I found myself falling in love with Rey.

He courted me through a love letter. And I answered him using a love letter too.

But I never denied him that I was in love with Giovanni. All of the boys that came by in my life. Knew about Giovanni.

I don't like to have some secrets. Giovanni's matter cannot be kept secret. I was in love with him from 14 years of age till 20 years old. (Well he is still in my heart until now kept hidden.)

Things went smoothly with Rey and I. He will visit me at home bringing some food.

And it's official. We are in a relationship. I saw Giovanni one last time at Aunt Linda's store but I snob him. I didn't even say hi.

At that time I was at the peak of being in love with Rey. And very determined to forget all about Giovanni.

And that determination led me to become pregnant.

It's too early but this mistake cannot be undone. I became pregnant the moment my work had ended.

Good thing Rey is a regular employee. He still got the job.

I was recalled to go back to work. But sadly I cannot as of the moment as I am already pregnant with my eldest daughter.

At first, my Mom was shocked and couldn't accept the fact. 20 years old is still young. And now, Me and my eldest daughter is like sisters lol.

Rey is from the Province and is only renting. And I don't like to live at his boarding house because his landlady doesn't like me at all. She likes her daughter to become Rey's wife.

But for goodness sake, her daughter was only a high school student at that time. Too young to get married and needs to study.

So we decided that Rey would move to our house. And my belly during that time is getting bigger.

One evening I went outside to buy some spices. And I went to the store just a little far from Giovanni's house.

I need to exercise and walk as I am about to give birth.

Then at the store...

I met Giovanni...

Seriously! I don't know what to do during that time! Facing him with a swollen belly.

I pretended not to see him. But he called my name and said hi. And I was lost for words and decided to face him.

And he is smiling at me and only now did I realize that although he is smiling his eyes are very lonely.

But the heartless me wanted to forget him all the way and never mind his looks and appearance.

I kept my calm and cold face. But he kept his happy face with humor. He is full of sense of humor ever since and that's what I like about him.

Then he said...

"When you give birth can you put or add my name to your baby's name? Or just add some of the letters of my name?"

I was frozen the moment I heard what he said!

"What? Are you insane? I cannot do that!"That's what I answered him.

And leave without looking back...

I don't know what he truly felt during that time.

Only now I realized that I hurt him...

Concerning the child's father. I never did it.

And until now. I am wondering why Giovanni requested that.

Until one day...

I heard the news that Giovanni flew and went to Taiwan...

It's goodbye for him...

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