Good girl/ Bad Girl

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Chapter 4

They said that in love, it's not always happiness. All must suffer the sadness and heartbreak.

It's a part of the cycle. You cannot say that you've been in love unless you experienced both.

Years gone by and I'm contented with our secret relationship. Later on, it was revealed to our circle of friends.

However, some of my friends are hesitant and worried as they all know Giovanni's record, especially on girls. But still, they wish for my happiness.

One day Giovanni's brother talked to me and asked me directly. "Why suffer? There are many boys out there."

That's what he said.

I asked myself WHY???

My heart answered: "Because I love him."

Years gone by I graduated in high school. And our relationship is still there. Although I felt that he was being distant and cold to me.

But he never broke up. Instead, he courted dozens of girls. And I felt that my patience would almost break out.

But still, I accepted all of it. Although it hurts me badly, I'm still there for him whenever he needs me.

Because I wanted him to realize one day that my love cannot be compared to those dozens of girls.

I am incomparable to those girls he courted. I'm the only one who could give him love like no other.

I'm the only one who truly loved him...

But my patience has come to an end. Just one day I realized. Or let's say a devil tempted me to turn from Good to Bad.

When I reached 17 years old. We hardly talked. And he will no longer visit Aunt Linda's Store.

He will come but will go home immediately without talking to me.

It hurts like hell! I don't know what happened. That is just a blink of an eye all sweetness was gone.

Maybe I'm one of his added collections? Collection of Girls that he dumped after losing his interest.

Sometimes he will meet me if he will remember I guess and when that happened. I will only eat the hateful words that I said about him.

Until one day I found myself doing what he was doing. Yeah, I know I'm a girl but I'm fed up with the on-and-off relationship.

And I can't dare to break up. I just can't!

He is the one holding my heart. Even if it will break into millions of pieces. The only name there is his.

I allowed myself to have many suitors and many boyfriends as many as I could.

I wanted to revenge for what he did. There's only one question of mine that the boys needed to answer before I became their Girlfriend.

"Is it okay that you are my 4th Boyfriend? My 5th and so on... But let me remind you that I'm in love with someone else."

And the boys will just say Yes.
Well, they are all boys and captivated by my beauty lol. And there's nothing to lose on their side. But instead, they gain a beautiful girlfriend. (Excuse me for being confident during this time.)

I know that he knew what I'am doing but instead, he never minded me. And I felt very neglected.

"Maybe he doesn't love me at all?" I just asked myself. And will sometimes cry in the dark.

It hurts. But the love that I felt for him is still there. But why? There are so many boys out there.

But I just can't love them no matter how much I tried.

I will also dump the boys if I don't like them anymore. I don't like them. I am only using them for Revenge.

But this revenge of mine is a total failure. Giovanni won't mind at all even if I got tons of boyfriends. (But never did I know before that he would meet and talk to my past boyfriends of mine.)

Setting the Boys Free
Until one day I realized that there's no use of this childish revenge.

I set free the boys one by one. Some accepted it but some are also begging not to break up with them.

Some of them I lost contact. And the most heartbreaking Break up is with Barry.

I found a way to break him when her former girlfriend got pregnant. He is the only guy during that time who cried a lot heartily not to break him up.

He begged on his knees crying. But My decision is final.

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