thirty eight

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A few days after the completion of the celebratory engagement banquet, Mark was surprised by an advisor rushing into the throne room to notify him of a delivery from the Namseo Kingdom.

"A delivery?" Mark said, sitting up straight in his throne as his advisor, Doyoung, squirmed and looked incredibly anxious.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Doyoung murmured back, keeping his eyes on the ground. "It came with a message from the Alpha Queen of Namseo. Her Majesty says she offers it as a gift... to congratulate the engagement."

Mark's eyes narrowed, and he shot a look towards John. John met his eyes, his expression reflecting the same suspicion and concern.

"What is the gift? Bring it in."

Doyoung hesitated, before nodding and quickly running out of the throne room. He returned a few minutes later with a group of young female alphas in tow—all dressed in the silk green warrior robes of the Namseo Kingdom.

"Warrior maidens," Mark muttered aloud, as the realization dawned on him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see John clenching his teeth.

"Your Majesty," the woman at the front crooned, lowering herself into a bow. Judging by the red sash she wore across her uniform, Mark assumed that she must be the captain of their force. "It is an honor to meet you and to be welcomed into your kingdom."

"What is the meaning of all this?" Mark snapped, refusing to entertain her fake saccharine politeness. "I hope you realize how disconcerting it is for a tribe of warriors from another kingdom to show up unannounced on my doorstep."

The woman merely smirked, looking amused. "Of course, Your Majesty. I understand completely. May I relay the message sent with me by my Queen? Perhaps that may ease your confusion and discomfort."

Mark poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, trying to reel in his frustration. "Fine. Speak."

"Her Majesty wanted to express her congratulations on the engagement between you and your soon-to-be omega Queen," the woman began with a grin, lifting her head and meeting Mark's eyes, "and she expressed her concern given the recent traitor that infiltrated your palace and almost succeeded in their plan of assassination."

Mark stiffened, his body winding tight at the memory. He hated being reminded of that night... the night where he almost was forced to watch as Dognhyuck lost his life.

"She figured you might appreciate having a little extra security as you continue to make preparations for the Royal Wedding," the woman continued smoothly, "that way you will no longer have to worry or fret about the safety of you and your Queen, and can focus solely on enjoying the bliss of engagement and wedding planning."

Mark wanted to scoff. He knew Seohyun well enough to know this was some kind of ploy, there's no way a woman like Seohyun could be offering this genuinely, out of the kindness of her heart.

John shot him a look, his eyes urgent and panicked. Mark gave him a subtle, quick nod before clearing his throat.

"Please allow me a moment to discuss this with the Captain of my royal guard before I make the decision to accept your Queen's gift," Mark said firmly, lifting himself off of the throne seat.

The alpha woman did a poor job of concealing her smug look as she lowered her head once more, in what felt like a mockery of respect. "Of course, Your Majesty. My women and I will stay here and patiently await your verdict."

Mark gave her a curt nod in return before dragging John by the wrist out to the hallway just outside the royal throne room, looking up at him in a panic.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 13 ⏰

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