Chapter - 9

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Just like my white Lambo that I drive whenever I am happy or in need"

I was about to choke, I don't know if his mind crossed in the wrong direction or am I the one not thinking straight, by hearing that I looked outside of the window and he knew I mistook his words
"N-no I don't mean tha- i just- I was just talking about my Lamborghini's colour and your dress colour, it's sa-same- um you're getting m-me ri-righ-right-"

He noticed the awkward air and focused on driving, I can clearly sense his cheeks painted with red tints due to blushing,
Soon he stopped the car in front of an elegant yet beautiful place,
"Here we are"
He said, while looking at me and then outside, "it's beautiful" i was mesmerized by that place.
He got off and opened the door for me like always, i came out of the car and he lead me there, as soon as we entered we were greeted by the gatekeeper's, the moment stepped there that place was full of couples, I know it's an hotel, but still only couples could be seen and i didn't found any empty table or any kind of reserved table for us until a man approach us and said,

"Sir, your place is all ready, let me lead you up there"
I looked at Leo and he just signaled me to go with the flow, but my curiosity never let me down, "aren't we gonna sit here" i whispered lightly beside me.
"No" he just answered with a single word.

Getting in the elevator, that man pressed the 120th floor, and my eyes widened, where exactly he was taking me but as the floors passed we reached on our floor and that man led us to a white door and then he left.
Before opening the door, Leo turned towards me and I didn't know what was going on in his mind but he just offered me his hand and I looked down on his palm,

."Do you want to go in with me?" He asked with much gentlier voice than before I stared at him blankly and decided to let go of my worries and with that I place my hand on his and he wrapped his thumb lightly on my finger, soon he opened the door and my jaw dropped on the floor, I was on 9th cloud for the moment and actually I am on 9th cloud, he dragged me in with him, the floor that we were walking on was full of red petals and sunlight was just so warm.

The dining table was set with an elegant glass of wine, and the menu card was placed, The soft sound of music could be heard that my eyes were lit up due to the view, I wanted to explore the room more but Leo said something, "do you like it?"
He asked, and I want to say exactly what he is expecting me to say, "I love it!, I really love it!" I said with an exciting tone and a bright smile was passed on his face as if he had won the battle, "I am glad, shall we eat first?" He asked

"Sure" I said and we sat down on the table and he passed me the menu card,
"Order what you like" he said,
I took the card from him and picked a dish for me, "how about spaghetti? And pizza?, What do you say" i asked,
"Whatever you like, I'll always like that" he said with an intense voice.

Between the fancy dinner, I was already full and same goes to him, Leo turned his gaze to me and got up from his chair and bent to my level, as he asked, "would you like to have a dance with me?", I couldn't deny his actions and i accepted his request, "yes" I placed my hand on his hand and the music got change into a melodious yet romance one, his one hand was covered my waist while other was taking care of my hands, and my left hand was on his shoulder, we were in a perfect sync and his heart beat was so fast that I could sense by his touch, while dancing my eyes fall on his shoes and that's where I got deja vu of

Black shiny shoes, black tight pants, Graff Diamond black watch, muscles popping due to his perfect white shirt, his sleeves were rolled up to his arm, those veiny arms that were covering my waist, passing me warmth, distance that was reducing after every single step, our bodies were attached, only music could be heard, and his dirty lines that he whispers in my ears, I would be lying if I said that I never liked those or never blushed due to that, Ace Hester never failed to make me weak in his arms.

"Anna?, Anna Quinn?!"
I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that I was zoned out for a long time,
"Are you fine?" Leo asked,
"Yes I am!" I said, assuring him.
"That's a relief.....Anna, you know that I have confessed to you multiple times and you are aware that I'll do the same today and again you will reject me but don't you dare feel pity towards me, okay? Because confessing my feelings to you, doesn't hurt my pride or something, I just get a comfortable sleep, no matter how many times I confessed you never distance yourself from me but instead you cured me more and more, So, please be the same in future too, please don't abondon me, Anna, just tell me when you feel uneasy or uncomfortable of me being near you"

"No, Leo, I never felt like that, I never felt uncomfortable around yo-" I was about to speak further but my phone rang and it was an unknown number, Leo signal me to answer it, and i did.

On call...

"C'mon, Anna, How long do you think Ace will survive, don't you want to save him?, His life is on the edge of a knife, come back...and see him for the last time"

Thank you so much! For reading, hope you like it and please comment your impression on this chapter

See you at the next chapter

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