Chapter 14- The Spelling Bulbasaur

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"Well, uh, this place is festive," Wilfride said dryly as she followed behind Coda who felt his way down the stairs. She could feel Flareon trembling with fear next to her. She kept her free hand on the wall, her other arm, holding the Bulbasaur, who didn't seem to afraid but more eager. "I don't suppose there's a map or something we could use in this place?"

"If there is, then we don't have it," Coda answered firmly. 

"Probably wasn't smart to let a mouse chase us in the mouse hole," Wilfride added. "Also, why didn't we just freeze or blast the thing away? I mean, one hit from your flame and no-more-Pika,"

Coda stopped on the steps. Blue light from his flame spread over his face, mingling with the color of his eyes. What would of that of accomplished?"

"I wouldn't of had my dignity and pride squashed by a little yellow mouse,"

Coda shook his head. "How many times do I have to tell you, you can't just blast or freeze your way through a problem."

Wilfride gave a wave. "And how many times do I have to tell you, yes I can,"

"Oh, come on," he stated. "I thought you learned that lesson by now,"

But Wilfride stood firm. "You know how stubborn I am. When were old and married, it will be the one thing you can't stand about me, but you won't leave me because you love me,"

Coda pursed his lips. "How do you know we won't break up before then?"

Wilfride thought about it for a moment. "Because were not doing that kind of story and also you look at me the same way I look at you. Well make it there,"  She tapped his shoulder and stepped around him, heading down the stairs once more."

Coda looked at Luke, puzzled. "What just happened?"

"You fell in love with that," Luke also stepped around Coda and followed Wilfride.

Coda stood there a few seconds. "I thought we were talking about the Pikachu?" He looked to Jolteon as she stared up at him. "How does she change it so easily?"

"Hey, Bluey." Wilfride called. "We need the light."

Coda turned around and stomped down towards where his friends were, walking further down the corridor and catching up. He eyed the walls cautiously.  "This place was built for a reason. The craftsmanship alone is evidence of that."

Luke stopped and let Coda step ahead once more then tailed behind. "You don't think there could be traps down here, do you?"

"I would shocked if their weren't,"

"How do you know?"

Coda stopped and pointed at a spot on the floor before him. It was a pressure plate, barely noticeable in the dark. "If I had to hazard a guess," he looked around, "stepping on that will either cause the floor to collapse beneath us, or it'll release a restraint on one of these pillars and destroy this entire corridor."

Luke gaped at it. "Okay," he said weakly.

Coda stepped carefully around the plate. "Let's not find out which, okay?" Luke followed him out of the corridor and down a narrow hall. 

"Hey, look! Torches," Luke pointed, reaching out for one.  Coda reached out and snagged his wrist. 

"Do you just ignore everything I say?! They probably trigger a trap," He let go of Luke and kept moving forward, ignoring the torches as he shifted his feet cautiously over the stone floor.

Jolteon looked at him and uttered softly. "Ah, yah,"

"Yes." Coda replied. "We've had experience in a place like this before, and also I read a lot. About stuff like this."

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