Chapter 15- The Curse Of The Eternal Flame

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A day passed, and the sun peeked slowly through the clouds, its setting light painting the sky in strokes of pink and purple. Through another grove of trees, the kids and Pokemon reached the foot of the mountain. Flareon and Bulbasaur had been in every berry bush upon leaving the chamber and finally joined them once more, their faces stained blue with berries. Coda felt himself relax a bit as a genuine smile graced Wilfride's lips, and she reached for Bulbasaur and held him close as they began to tread along the path towards what appeared to be an observatory.

"That Pikachu needs to be given a rabies shot or knocked upside the head with a bat," Luke grumbled.

"What do you think happened to it to make it so hateful?" Coda wondered aloud.

"Probably the same thing that gave it it's scars and missing fur," WIlfride remarked.

Luke, who had been walking ahead of them all, suddenly stopped, threw his hands up and let out a gasp.

"What is it?" Coda asked, looking around, his mind flashing to the ghost pokemon from the chamber.

"It's a Meowth!" Luke cried out, pointing at a cream-colored pokemon with brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail. Its ovoid head featured four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a gold coin embedded in its forehead. 

The Meowth sat before them, licking it's front paw.

Wilfride frowned. "It's just a cat with a gold coin on it's head."

The Meowth turned to her and hissed at the insult.

"She didn't mean it." Luke said to the pokemon. "She's just mean to everyone,"

Wilfride shot him a glare, but Luke stepped forward slowly to the Meowth. "See, I am much nicer." Luke reached behind his back and pulled an empty Pokeball from his belt. "I only want to be your friend and have follow my every command."

Meowth looked at him confused.

"YOU WILL BE MINE TINY KITTY!!!" Luke threw the Pokeball at the Meowth, who only glared at the upcoming ball.  It whirled around, hitting the ball with it's tail and sent the ball back towards Luke, even spinning even faster.

Luke gaped.

The ball slammed into his face, sending him back off his feet and slamming into the ground.

The Meowth gave one last hiss before darting off into the trees.

Coda and Wilfride glanced at each other, both holding irritated faces.

Coda glanced up at the building before them. Something familiar catching his eye. "Hey, Wilfride. Are you getting a familiar presence feeling?"

"Actually...yeah but there's no way she would be here....right?"

Luke lifted himself on his bottom, the pokeball falling off his face, leaving a circular red mark. "You mean Hera? Yeah she's here."

Coda and Wilfride jerked there heads at him.

"She's here!" Wilfride cried. "And you didn't say anything sooner?"

"Just because I'm a Seer, doesn't I mean I have to always reveal what I see."

Coda eyed him, knowing that was not true it all.  It was his Seer abilities that kept him from ever having a filter to begin with.

The doors flung themselves aside to reveal a very, short, blue eyes girl with a head of curly brown hair and a purple outfit, something straight from Elyon. Even still had her dark brown healer satchel slung over shoulders. 

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