chapter 1

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Moving to a new school senior year was terrifying, yet here you were. Stepping into the unfamiliar surroundings was overwhelming. You located the office, and asked for your time table. they gave you it, and a hall pass incase you got lost going to your first class. You thanked them, and made your way out of the office.

Finding your first class was proving to be more difficult then you thought. there was five-ish minutes until first period started, and you were sure as hell lost. You gripped your bag harder, it being pulled closer to your hip. English was your best subject, but the class seemed to have been sucked up by some school void- proving impossible to find. '212,214,218, where's 216?' you thought to yourself as to trudged through the hallway. the bell rung, signifying class had started. you heard the stairwell door close and turned to see who it was. a boy, rather small on frame walked by you, and into a class. tracing your eyes to the top of the door showed that this was your class. you could hear the teacher pointing out this boy was late, which only brought dread to you. you reluctantly walked into the class and desperately tried to find a seat before the teacher spoke. "Who do we have here?" the teacher spoke up. you slinked further down into your seat. you really didn't want any attention on you, you just wanted to start class. the teacher persisted. "i've never seen you here before, are you new here?" you sheepishly responded with a slight nod of your head. 'God, joining second semester was not my best idea.' "welcome to the school, though i guess you won't be here for long." the teacher seemed to pick up you didn't want anymore attention, and began teaching the lesson.

"what's your name?" you turned to face the voice. it belonged to the boy you saw earlier.

"(Y/N), what's yours?" your voice a soft whisper.

"Cody! it's nice to meet you!" he seemed enthusiastic to say the least.

it was nice to meet someone so quickly, but your nerves were fried already, you just wanted to go home.

the bell rang, signifying it was lunch time. you gathered your notebook and pencil case, tossing them carelessly into your messenger bag. you began to walk out of the school, while shoving your hand into your pocket to get your keys. "shit" you murmured to yourself, keys no where in site. you had walked here since your apartment was so close. groaning to yourself, you began walking back to your apartment. you were just down the road from the school when a car pulled up to you. Cody, among two others were in the car.

"Hey (Y/N)! i noticed you were walking alone, do you want to join us for lunch?"
his two friends smiled and waved. the driver being a bigger guy with blonde hair. a more tan thin boy with chocolate brown hair sat in the passenger seat with cody in the back on the drivers side. you smiled lightly, although a little nervous for some reason.

"sure, thank you for asking." you sheepishly climbed into the car. it smelt like a grilled ham sandwich mixed with something sweet.

"Alright! where do we wanna get grub today? i'm starving!" the driver piped up

"I don't care, where would you wanna go noah?" cody looked to the guy in the passenger seat.
he seemed very unenthused to be asked, and just shrugged.

"How about we go to mcdonald's, it's close by so we have time to sit and eat maybe." you piped up, though rather quietly as to not seem rude.

"sounds good to me." cody hummed, flashing a small smile at you.
the two boys in the front agreed and began to short drive.

you arrived shortly after, and had gone in to place your order on the kiosk. You ordered a milkshake and a large fry, not being too hungry at the moment due to your nerves. you paid at the kiosk and waited for your order. cody appeared beside you, making you jump.

sweets and dreams {TDI cody anderson x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now