chapter 8 (birthday smut)

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you pulled all the pieces together for cody's gift. you were excited to give it to him. you made sure to put on the part of the gift you had bought for yourself.

Happy birthday, Cody! i'll see you in a bit.

tossing on a fairly nice outfit, you fed taffy and left.

you arrived at cody's, and pulled out the gift you had for him. you also pulled out a cake you had made for him, for after the dinner. you walked up to the door and knocked. the door opened shortly after, revealing cody's dad.

"cody's in the shower right now." he said.

"that's no problem, the cake can be a surprise then!" you smiled and walked in.

you set the gift down and headed to the fridge to put the cake away. after you had found a spot for the cake, you sat down on the couch. you and cody's dad made small talk, until you heard the bathroom door open, before another door closed. soon after that, cody came downstairs.

"happy birthday honey bunch!" you said, holding your arms out to hug him. he blushed a little

"t-thank you, sweet pea." he sheepishly said, sitting down next to you.

you leaned your head onto his shoulder. his body wash smells good too. you closed your eyes, enjoying the moment.

"oh! do you want to open your gift now? or later?" you asked, pulling the gift forward.

"if it's okay, i'll open it now." he said, an excited expression dawning his face. you nodded.

he slowly began opening the gift, digging for the card first. he pulled it out, and opened the envelope. the steam gift card fell out, and onto his lap. he smiled, and read the card.

"thank you, sweet pea." he said smiling at you.

"well, there's still more! it's seriously no problem, cody."

he pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, and pulled something out. he unwrapped it, finding the box of his cologne. he smiled, and went on to the next thing. he pulled the plush out, you could smell your perfume from here. he set it in his lap, and continued on. he pulled out the jeans you had bought for him, to replace the ones that got messed up. he placed them on the arm of the couch, and reached in again. he gripped what you knew was the picture frame.

"be gentle with it please." you hum.

he unwraps it gently, and smiles at it when he sees it.

"did you make this yourself?" he asked, his eyes almost watering. you nodded your head.

he pulled you in for a hug, siting there for a minute. he pulled away a moment later, and dug into the bag for a smaller bag. he took the tissue paper out to reveal a variety of candies and sweets. he opened the chocolate dipped liquorice and took one out, and stuck it into his mouth. he pulled the last thing out of the bag, and unwrapped it. it was the collage you had made. he skimmed through it, eventually reaching the end. he read the poem, and his eyes watered. you pulled him in for a hug this time, rubbing his back.

"this means a lot to me, thank you so much." he whispered.

"of course honey bunch." you held him for a moment.

you and cody headed up to his room, chatting and such. you sat down on his bed, feeling a little tired. you didn't know why you felt tired, but you did.

"are you okay?" he asked in a worried tone.

"i think so, i'm just tired is all." you reassured him.

he sat down next to you, and pulled you down so you and him were both laying down. your eyes fluttered closed, feeling sleepiness take over.

"this has been the best birthday ever." cody whispered

sweets and dreams {TDI cody anderson x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now