chapter 6

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you awoke to the feeling of arms around you. this time you turned to face him, and wrapped your arms around him. he made a soft noise in his sleep, bringing a slight smile to your lips. you gave him a small peck on the forehead, before closing your eyes again. you sat there and enjoyed the peaceful moment. you felt cody stir, him pulling you closer.

"good morning beautiful." he said, just above a whisper.

"good morning honey bunch." your fingers tangled into his hair.

the two of you laid there, just enjoying the time. a small meow directed your attention to taffy. you patted the bed, gesturing for her to join you two. she did. you all continued to lay there, rather comfortably.

after a while, you remembered the laundry had to be put in to dry. you went to get up, rolling to the side of the bed and putting your feet into the floor. you hoisted yourself up but almost fell as soon as you tried to stand. my legs are killing me

"woah there ms. are you okay?" he said, coming to your aid.

"yeah i'm okay, my legs are just a bit sore." you said, trying to pull yourself back up.

you managed to get back up, and hobbled over to the laundry machine. you switched the load into the dryer, before a pair of arms scooped you up.

"where would you like to go now, sweet pea?" cody said, giving you a small smirk.

"do you want some bacon?" you asked, a little hungry yourself.

he nodded "that sounds great." and made his way into the kitchen.

he put you down on the loveseat, and grabbed a frying pan.

"where's the bacon?" he asked, opening the fridge.

"middle drawer, it's where i keep all the meat." you said, pointing to it.

he fished the bacon out, and put three strips on the frying pan. at the same time, he began scrambling some eggs for the two of you.

when he finished, he plopped down onto the couch next to you. he handed you a plate, the eggs in a sloppy heart shape. you smiled at the gesture.

"thank you, cody." you said, leaning your head onto his shoulder.

"it's no problem, especially if i'm the reason you can barely walk." he grinned, obviously proud, but still sympathetic.

the two of you ate together on the couch, watching a show you can barely remember the name of on. after the both of you had finished, cody got up and put the plates in the sink, rinsing them. he sat back down with you on the couch, pulling you into his lap. the two of you snuggled up together and just stayed like that for a while. cody's phone went off, so he retrieved it and sat back down.

"are things okay?" you ask, he nods.

"it's just dad." he says, texting back.

he then throws his phone back down and pulls you in for some more snuggles.

"i can't believe we have to go back to school tomorrow." he murmured, disappointed.

"at least we're getting closer to finishing it." you shrugged.

you laid your head onto his chest, closing your eyes. the two of you lay there for a while, until the dryer goes off, signifying it's done. cody slips out from under you to pull the load out. you try to get up to help him with it, but your legs are still quite sore.

"why don't we get you in for a bath." he says, putting the clothing down in your room.

he comes back to you, once again scooping you up and carrying you to the bathroom. he puts you down on the toilet, and starts running the bath. he grabs some bath salts he sees at the side of the tub and sprinkles some in. before pouring a tiny bit of bubble bath in. you begin to strip out of your clothes, and climb into the bath. you feel hands on your shoulders once you get in. cody begins to gently massage your shoulders. you smiled at the kind gesture.

sweets and dreams {TDI cody anderson x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now