chapter 9

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(f/s) -favourite scent

as you stirred from your slumber, you felt cody
beside you. you turned to him, burying your face into his shoulder. you sat like that for a while, before he wakes up himself.

"good morning sweet pea." he hums softly

"good morning honey bunch." you whisper.

the both of you laid together for a while. before you and cody got up. you walked to the kitchen, and poured some orange juice for the both of you. you sat at the island, sipping on it. cody joined you, leaning his head onto your shoulder. you pecked the top of his head, then leaned yours onto his.

"do you want to go out to get breakfast today?" you ask quietly, still tired.

he nodded his head. you both drank the rest of your orange juice, before you both got dressed. you both hopped into your car and talked about where you wanted to go for breakfast. after a bit of deciding, you settled on a place.

when you arrived, you saw a few familiar faces. trent and gwen were eating at a table, chatting. you decided to sit at the table across the isle from them, so you could make small talk.

a waitress came around and asked for your orders. you both ordered pancakes. she left after the order was placed, and went to get it prepared for you.

"thank you for making yesterday special for me!" cody chimed. you smiled at him.

"of course, it should always be special to you silly!" you said, placing your hand on his.

after a bit of chit chatting with gwen and trent, your pancakes were brought to you. you and cody chowed down, having felt like you haven't eaten in days. they were delicious!

(an idk how to write about pancakes cuz i can't eat them.)

the breakfast date went on for a while, the four of you talking about school and the things you wanted to do after it.

you were still unsure as to what you wanted to do after high school. (an same queen)

"i'm not too sure as to what i want to do" you whispered.

gwen smiled at you, reassuringly. "it's okay to not know yet."  (an im so gay for gwen)

it made you feel better. you hadn't thought it through since your dad had passed. you wanted to pursue art, but you were nervous to do so since it doesn't make amazing money.

"you could definitely do something with art!" cody exclaimed. "your so so talented!" your cheeks flushed a little.

"thank you, cody." you say, leaning onto him a little.

the four of you left shortly after, parting ways in the parking lot.

the two of you got to your apartment again, and headed to your room. you laid down, frankly you were exhausted. cody joined you, laying beside you.  the two of you cuddled together for a while, eventually drifting off into a light slumber.

when you awoke it was rather late. the sun had set and you were rather hungry. cody was laying beside you, awake.

"i could go for some food." you murmur in your state of sleepiness.

"i could too." he says, turning over to you.

the two of you decide to once again, order in. it arrives and the two of you eat. soon after you drop him off at home.

when you get back, you sit in your room for a little. you decide to take a shower to clean up. you pick out some cozy pyjamas, and head into your bathroom.

you turn on the shower, waiting a couple minutes for it to warm up. you hop in, and embrace the warmth of the shower. it feels so nice to be in it. you wash your hair, scrubbing your shampoo into your scalp. you rinse it out a minute later, and slather some conditioner in. while that's soaking, you begin to wash up, using your (f/s) body wash.  you lather the soap into your loofa, and then onto your body. the warm shower water soon washes the suds off of you.

after you finish up, you climb out and put your pyjamas on. you shimmy into your covers and lay there, playing on your phone. your eyes begin yo feel heavy, and you slowly fall asleep.

AN - 723 words. sorry this one is shorter i just wanted to make a lil update so there's something and you guys don't think this book is dead.

sweets and dreams {TDI cody anderson x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now