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NOTE:The person up there is Venom.

Andrea's POV

"Mission accomplished Venom" she said into the phone and then I fell down welcoming my new companion...DARKNESS.

I woke up feeling a serious migraine while wondering what happened and why I'm not in my room.

Then it hit me...the outing, the hotel, the huge men and then the receptionist talking on the phone to someone named venom about accomplishing a mission I know nothing of.

I looked around and saw a tiny window in this sickening dark room although I'm a fan of the darkness, this was a bit too much for me.

So I quickly checked in my pocket for my phone which I put there in case I might need some help handling those huge men but it seems like they got the best of me.

I didn't find anything and I was starting to get really scared like what in the name of hell happened to my phone but I still searched.

Since I couldn't find anything, I tried to make my way in the darkness only to get pierced by a freaking NAIL!!! I couldn't believe that someone actually put nails in a room.

That's the kind of thing you see in mafia movies where the mafia guy kidnaps the girl and locks her up in a dungeon full of nails and snakes and the rest.

I tried to use my hands and check if there were more nails and I just kept being pricked by those nails.

I then decided that it would be useless trying to escape so I decided to get comfy and start thinking about who that Venom guy is and what he wanted me for.

I was still thinking when a door which I didn't notice was here maybe because I was really tired opened.

A girl who looked my age entered the room with a plate of food and by the way she looked at me, I already knew that I wasn't being held captive by normal people.

She threw the food on the floor and was about to walk out when I spoke up.

"Who are you and what am I doing here?" She just looked at me like I was a piece of trash and grabbed me by my jaw.

"You better shut up idiot before I slap the hell out of your useless face" She said while I stared at her in shock wondering who she is to speak to me in such a way.

I just quietly sat back and watched as she left but not before casting a hateful glare at me.

I looked at the food and what I saw made me feel disgusted; the plate contained what looked like a piece of mold when in reality, it was a piece of bread which had accumulated so much mold that it looked like a piece of bacteria.

I scrunched my face up in disgust and used a nail to push the plate away. I just took the glass of water which at least looks decent.

Since I had no way of escaping, I just laid down and tried to sleep away my worries.

On the outside I may look as if this didn't bother me too much but inside I was really scared of what would happen if the people who captured me finally decided that they were gonna end me because I could already sense it.

I wouldn't be able to see my friends, be able to graduate, be a doctor or even get a Ph.D. I wouldn't even be able to see my parents and thank them for giving me that can of pepper spray even though it only saved me for a while.

I just laid down here and let those thoughts consume my mind until I felt something pierce my back.

Thinking it to be just another nail, I shrugged it off. I didn't feel anything was wrong until I started feeling dizzy. I sat up and touched my back to check what pierced me.

Pulling it out, I saw a tranquilizer.

I looked around shocked only to discover the door was open which was perhaps when I was so lost in my thoughts with someone wearing all black standing there while holding a gun and that was the last thing I saw before passing out.
Just woke up from a nap and decided to post.
So enjoy
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