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NOTE: The person up there is Tai


Brandon's POV

I watched as she fell asleep in my arms and I couldn't help but wonder what this girl here had gone through as her behavior right now made no sense.

I looked at her face one more which was stained with dried tear lines.

I recalled her reaction of when I brought out the syringe in order to sedate her.

How she started mumbling to herself about some stuff I couldn't quite make out.

I knew I'd have to go to Venom and inform him of what happened here but I just couldn't get up thinking she might wake up and have the attack again.

Maybe also because of the fact that it has been a long time since we stayed together like this.

I knew he was probably watching us right now but I didn't give a shit about any of that as I kept on stroking her hair letting my thoughts drift once more.

Venom's POV

I watched as Brandon sat on the floor with Andrea resting her head on his shoulders sleeping. 

I gulped in frustration at the way she reacted a few minutes ago upon seeing the syringe and I could clearly hear her cries and pleas.

It was the first time I saw her cry since I had known her and I hate to admit that it made my heart sting.

I almost rushed out of there to go see her when I saw how Brandon rushed to her and calmed her attack.

How he kissed her hair and oh how it hurt that I couldn't be the one doing that.

They had always been closer than I ever was and I met her before he did.

They always played together.

Ate together.

Had sleepovers.

And even slept on the same bed.

I couldn't help the jealousy which flowed like a raging stream throughout my whole system as I recounted the old childhood memories.

"Inform Tai to come see me immediately" I spoke into the com that was on my table as I relaxed into the office chair.

"Boss you called for me" I watched as Tai walked into the room putting on the most revealing outfit I've ever seen.

I scrunched my face in disgust as she tried to walk sexily. Maybe to her it was.

But to me, she looked like a frog with lipstick dressed in a lingerie, wearing a black wig and waving a wand.

I chuckled inwardly at the mental image I created.

"Why are you dressed like that" I cringed.

"I thought you called for me so..." She left her statement hanging.

"I called you so you could do something important for me" I said as I walked towards my window.

"Which is?" She questioned.

"I have a mission to assign to you and the gang" I stated.

"That's great. It's been a long time since I spilled some blood or broke any bones" She grinned cracking her knuckles.

"Send in Karl and you guys will be going with the captive brought in today" I said refiling my glass.

"Why do you need that bastard here and would you want me to go on a mission with that witch?" She sneered crossing her arms under her chest.

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