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NOTE: The person up there is Brandon

Andrea's POV

"Take her to the torture room Brandon." I looked at him in shock and kept wondering what he meant by torture room. I shivered involuntarily at the thought of being hit with a whip or being tortured like how it was in the movies but I had to remind myself that this was real life and not a fantasy. I tried to think of a way to get the heck out of this place.

Hell, I don't even know if I will get out of the freaking torture room alive. Just thinking about that reminded me of my parents who would probably be blasting 911. I sighed knowing that I had to cooperate and obey and follow all their rules and commands. I snapped out of my thoughts in time to see Brandon inching closer to me like a freaking carcass.

"I'll come willingly so tell your lapdog not to come any closer to me or imma break someone's neck" I said while eyeing Brandon as he stopped with a look of fear flashing through his bright blue eyes just for a millisecond.

I didn't trust this guy with the way he looked at me earlier and I saw how he enjoyed me suffering.

"Remove the chains from her, Sniper" Venom said while looking at me with a raised eyebrow at my sudden change of behavior.

"I was expecting a fit but seems she's not as childish as I thought". I looked up at him with my blue eyes staring at him in shock. I felt my left eye twitching as a sign of my anger rising and it was taking every ounce of self-control to not rip my hands from those chains as the shit head hadn't finished removing even one.

I closed my eyes and started whispering some incoherent words of calmness to myself. I felt Brandon remove the chains from my hands and I quickly held onto them rubbing my wrists at the throbbing pain emanating from them.

When he was done removing the chains from my legs I swung them over the bed and placed my feet on the ground trying to stand but my legs kept shaking like wet noodles.

I sat back on the bed and tried to get up the second time and thank the lord I was able to stand without feeling like all the blood had been drained from my legs. I held the wall as I walked towards the door but ended up falling on my ass. Boy was it painful as shit...

I felt myself being lifted off the ground into someone's warm hands. I turned my head to see I was being carried by Brandon and I could feel his muscles tighten and release as he walked and carried me effortlessly as if I weighed nothing which made me want to check myself out even though I knew I had quick metabolism but that wasn't even on my mind.

I could smell his body scent and instead of using strong cologne like all my exes. He smelt like clover and it felt so homey that I snuggled into his chest more and I felt his muscles stiffen as his hand tightened under my legs with his fingers digging into my skin.

I ignored the pain because it felt like I was home again with me lying in the hammock, drinking a cup of black coffee and popping gummy bears into my mouth while watching the sunset with my ear pods playing some Sam Smith songs. I woke up from my day dream when I was dropped on my butt by Brandon.

"Hey I know you dislike me but you really didn't have to drop me on the floor fool" I scowled rubbing my butt until I realized I was in front of a dude who I barely knew with a dress which was halfway up my knees exposing my thighs and my knife tattoo. I immediately pulled it down.

"When you're done cleaning the floor with your ass, follow me" Brandon said as he walked down a hallway which had flickering fluorescent light and a metallic smell was all I could perceive around me and it was kind of overpowering if I had to put it in the least nauseous way.

As I walked into the room where Brandon stood by the door, I peered in to see all type of torture devices like whips, bats with nails on them, shurikens, different types of knives and other things (I don't know what else to write-_-).

I walked back silently trying to be inconspicuous and avoid being heard but I failed woefully because just as I turned around, Brandon grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder.

"Let go of me, idiot" I shouted.

I used my hands to hit his back not being able to inflict any bruise, harm or damage. "I freaking swear that I can feel all my blood rushing to my head" and I was being very serious as I could feel myself getting woozy. I almost kissed the floor when I was put down...

I saw a chair in the middle of the room and guessed that's where I was to be seated and as I walked over there, I let my eyes take in the room. It was black in color with a white light bulb dangling by the wires and some other weapons which I hadn't seen already like some guns.

I really hope it isn't used on me...

I plopped myself on the chair as I allowed Brandon lock the restraints of the chair on my hands and legs. I sat there waiting for over thirty minutes as I started feeling sleepy when that devil entered the room and if not for his cold personality which I could feel from where I am, I'd have not woken up.

Venom's POV

I walked down the hallway as I reminisced on I's and Rea's younger years. I couldn't believe she had grown to be such a specimen to look at. She was way smarter than back then I could tell and the way her violet eyes sparkled. Wow...

Although it did hurt when she couldn't even recognize me but now she's all mine. As I entered the room, I saw her tied up and couldn't help the feeling of déjà vu and nostalgia that rushed through my whole system and I felt somewhat angry at myself for not being able to forget it...

I shook the thoughts out of my head and concentrated on the beauty in front of me. The way her orange hair covered her face and her dress rested on her knees displaying her white legs and her blue eyes just gazing at me with hate. If she knew who I was then she would've hated me more.

I almost succumbed to pitying her with the innocent look she kept but I knew a tigress was underneath.

She would make a good addition to the clan.

I shoved my thoughts to the deepest part of my mind and walked over to fetch one of my favorite torture devices; the baby knives. I've always been skilled with knives but I always found these tiny knives so intriguing and they're the best when it comes to inflicting wounds on my prey.

I turned and walked over slowly to her trying to build up momentum and fear but she didn't even flinch but smiled when I slashed her stomach. I watched as the blood trickled down and glistening as the light rays in the room reflected on it. So she's enjoys pain and torture. This is gonna be fun...


I know I haven't been posting recently and I'm so sorry*~* I'm gonna try my best to post once in a week every Friday. If I don't post then that means I'm busy doing some stuff and will post the following Friday. Please comment, vote and share.


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