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NOTE: The person up there is Piper

Venom's POV

I stood at the door watching as Andrea handled the girl who insulted her and I couldn't help but chuckle. She always had little to no control over her temper and I had been waiting for when she'd finally burst and drop that goody façade, unleashing the demon in her.

I've always watched her from the shadows, right from when we were young. How she'd put on an innocent face in front of everyone and only a few knew of the mistress of darkness underneath her cloak of kindness. Only difference is that she never wanted to get involved with the family business likewise her father.

He didn't want to have anyone trying to harm his family but for the sake of godfather's promise he stayed back but not until an incident occurred when they had to travel to Spain because of some issues which had arisen in their business.


Fifteen year old me had just snuck into the meeting hall to see godfather seated on the head chair, stroking his white beard with mine and Andrea's fathers sitting around the table.

"I can't stay as I have important business to attend to, godfather" Uncle Andres said with his head bowed. "Plus it's an opportunity to see mi madre with the family" He added

"But what about fulfilling your duties towards the clan?!" My father spoke up, banging his fist on the table in pure fury.

"Siéntate Carlos (Sit down, Carlos)" Godfather muttered still stroking his beard, bearing an unconcerned look towards the growing tension in the air.

"Sin papa (No papa)" He said still glaring at Uncle Andres who did nothing but stare back blankly.

"Dije siéntate (I said sit down)" Godfather said bringing out his gun, pointing it towards father.

He didn't bother to hesitate before sitting down, mumbling a few words under his breath.

"I only grant you this wish Andres because of what your grandfather did for me" He said finally letting his gaze meet uncle's own and I saw it through the glint in his eyes and the sad smile on his face, that he missed his dear friend who had passed on.

"Gracias papa" Uncle smiled before turning towards father again.

"Hope to see you before I leave, Carlos" He winked at my father who scoffed, turning his head away while trying to hide his smirk.

"You boys behave as if you hate each other when you're the best of friends" Godfather laughed while I snickered from where I was hiding.

"Sal mi guerrero ( Come out my warrior)" Godfather called me from where I hid.

"Si papa" I bowed as soon as I got to them.

"Haven't I warned you about eavesdropping?"

"Si papa" I answered again.

"I'll let this slide just this once okay"

"Thank you papa" I smiled looking up at him this time.

"Now go play with Andrea. I'm sure she's looking for you and you also want to be with her." He smirked at me, intentionally teasing me with his knowledge of my liking towards Uncle's daughter.

I blushed bowing once again before running out to find her.

We had a lot of fun that day before she left the following evening.

I remember how she blushed when I pecked her cheeks and how she kept looking back at me at intervals before finally disappearing among the crowd.

That was the last time I ever saw or heard from her. Uncle Andres came back later without his family and said he was dropping out of the clan.

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