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Andrea's POV

I watched as he took predatory steps towards me and all of a sudden, he slashed my stomach with a small knife and if not for my ability to bear pain, I would have let out an ear blocking scream.

I looked him square in the eye and I don't know why I felt I knew him as I felt myself getting lost in the way his eyes always twitched a little bit if he was concentrating too hard and the only person I remembered that ever did this was him...

I felt my heart squeeze as all the memories of what happened all those years ago rushed in and I felt a bit dizzy as my thoughts started spiraling.

I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears that always came whenever I thought about it.

Finally being able to gather myself, I opened my eyes to find venom looking at me with confusion in his intriguing green eyes which I just noticed had specks of brown in them.

"Tie her to the chair Brandon and don't give any food to her...only water" he said as he stood up and backed up slowly.

"On second thought, scratch that, no water" with that being said, he left. I looked up at Brandon to see he was gathering some restraints.

"Hey are you okay" Brandon asked with real concern etched on his face.

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden" I scoffed as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"I just thought of being nice to you before you'd be sent away" He said in defense with his hands raised up.

I stood up with my stomach fluttering with butterflies. "Am I really gonna get out of here? Maybe I finally get to see mom again and also dad as well, I get to eat some yummy bagels again with gummies in them and a side of bacon and sausages with a cup of cappuccino and also some pretzels on the side...

Brandon's POV

I just kept on looking at this strange girl as she kept on rambling about all the food she'd eat when she got out of here and I couldn't stop smiling.

She'd always been like this from the first day I met her at that playground all those years ago.

I just felt so sad with how things ended up and the fact that she couldn't recognize him for sure got him angry and fueled his resolve to hurt her even more.

I sighed already feeling tired pretending to not know her and having to behave rudely with her.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find she was still talking about food and how she'd even stay with her parents after all this.

Andrea's POV

I don't even know how long I had been talking about getting out of here and food.

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!" I flinched involuntarily at Brandon sudden outburst of words.

"NO YOU SHUT UP! YOU GUYS FREAKING HELD ME AGAINST MY OWN WILL AND YOU TALKED ABOUT RELEASING ME ONLY TO SHOUT THE FUCK AT ME!" I shouted shocked at the fact that I still had the strength to talk let alone shout.

"I don't give a shit about whatever you're saying but all I know is that I'm leaving here today and there's nothing you're gonna do about it" I said with a note of finality in my voice.

"Boss, she refuses to sit on the chair. What should I do about her?" I watched him as he spoke on the ear pod connected to his phone while glaring at me.

"Okay boss. Understood" He said concluding his call with his boss.

He walked away while I looked at his back view as he disappeared into the hallway.

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