Honnoji Academy

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Pov Change
"Thought Communication"

"Thinking"Pov Change"Talking""Thought Communication"

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Name: (Y/N) Saito
Nicknames: Omnipotent being, God
Age: ???
Height: 190cm
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Protruding fangs when he smiles
Personality: Laidback, Funny, Chill, Calm, Can be mean sometimes
Powers: Copy Cat: The ability to copy any power and enhance it/make it better, X-Ray vision, Gravity Manipulation, Existence Manipulation
Elements: Darkness, Light, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

(Okay, Okay... I don't know what I was doing with this book tbh. Just something I wanted to do?)

Narrator's Pov

What a beautiful day, except a guy can be seen... FALLING FROM THE SKY?! Wait... no, no he somehow stopped himself before he face planted. He's fine. Who is this guy, you ask? Well, this is our main character (Y/N), he was wearing a very nice suit. It was black embroidered with bits of red. With a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes.

(Y/N): "Yo! Shut the hell up! You saw I was falling and you didn't even try to help. You're like aqua the useless goddess." He frowned and stood upright.

Hey, hey! I'm just here to narrate bro, you seem like a smart guy to me.

(Y/N): "Whatever, what am I supposed to do here anyways? I know you didn't just drop me in here, not having a set goal." He looked around and saw a large mountain in the distance that could be mistaken for a whole other state.

Well... I didn't really have a goal. Just wanted you to see what this universe was about, to be completely honest, I don't even know what it's about.

(Y/N): "How do you NOT KNOW?! You're the one making this... never mind, cause it seems like you're a stupid narrator." He let out a sigh and began walking up the mountain.

Rude... you're not living up to that laidback mentality I described you of having in the description...


(Y/N) was now walking to a very... large white school. He saw a kid hanging outside where the entrance was, he adjusted his tie and cleared his throat.

'This is the naked pig who dared defy Honnouji Academy. Justice has been served.'

(Y/N): "Well that's one way to scared students into not defying this school."

He looked at his gloved hand. The glove was just a normal black glove that had a pin at the bottom, once this pin is pulled his "true power" comes out. He began walking into the school and down the long hallways. He saw a short girl with navy blue hair, he couldn't see her face, all he could see was the back of her outfit.

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