Bio (OCs)

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Russell Age 17 

Background: Russell likes to play baseball, his favorite sport to play. Every match was fun for him. But almost every game, hasn't won anything. He always tried his best. All he wanted was one win. It was all he ever asked. The recent one really made him sad. He felt like a failure. His parents was also sad to see the current state he is in after the game. Then his dad found something in the mail. Its an ad for the camp called: Camp Thriller. His parents found their lightbulb in their heads. They thought maybe if he goes there. Maybe he would play more of baseball and get some good practice. Or even make some friends.

After signing up to apply. The bus arrived, He hugged his parents and got on the bus. Russell thought he could use a vacation at camp to practice and play. Little did he know, he would have to put his skills to the test. 

Alex Age 15 

Background: Alex loved books. A bookworm they call him. He reads a lot of them. Kid books. Comic books. Fantasy books, Horror books. Etc. But its not just everyday books he reads. He also reads the books that fill his brain of his. Every page, and word. He starts to get intelligent. Which is why he's been getting some good grades. And helps his family out. Like helping his dad fixing the one part of his car. It was Alex started to get bored. He had no idea what to do. Until one day. He found a sign on the pole of the street light. It said: Camp thriller. He went to his parents asking about going there. Of course, they said yes. The Bus arrived for him, and got on. Waving his mom and dad good bye as the bus drove off until his parents was no longer in sight. Alex read some comics to occupy him while waiting to arrive to the actual thriller that await him. 

Sophie Age 16 

Background: Sophie lives with a rich family in a fancy house. She had everything she desired. A nice room, computer, her phone. You name it. She was very happy. As years go by. Things changed. She still gets everything she wanted from her family. But there was one thing important that was missing. Her love. She loved money sure. But what she really love, and wanted the most. Is love from her family. But all they do is just typical rich people stuff. So much so that they no longer pay attention to her. After overhearing the one argument about their fame and reputation. She had enough. So, she ran away. She hated this life so much, she tries to find anything to get away from here. And she found her answer. A sign of Camp thriller. Turns out it was not too far. With no other suggestion She proceeded to head there. She thought it would be a good getaway. But unknown to her. She is about to get what she bargained for. 

Camp councilors: 

Jacob Age 22 

Background: When he first enrolled here as a camp councilor. All he ever thought was to give the campers an awesome day here. Before going here. He was a camper back in his days. As he grew up. He then decided to become their scout leader. Giving them wisdoms that was passed over to the other leaders before him. As well as teaching them some scouts activity. Such as making a knot. Jacob was told by one of the elder scout leaders about camp thriller needing a councilors. Since there was no other position. He took the Job. He went to get himself settled, and starts getting ready. While something fishy is going on behind his back. 

Emma Age 21 

Background: Well crap. She is trying to find herself a job. After the burger place got shut down. It resulted her and the other employees to go Jobless. But at least they got their small paycheck. But Emma would need some money for rent and some groceries. Even worse, her sister's birthday is on the horizon. She needed to get a job, stat. She looked down what she stepped on. It was a flyer. A flyer to the camp thriller. With the print saying: Help wanted. At last she had found something open for her. She applied, and is hired on the spot. The same day as the other guy she saw. She was happy she found her a Job. But later, it would be too late to quit now. 


George Age 36 

Background: Everyone is in a panic. There was some people that keep going missing. He thought things would be a quiet town after finishing the recent case. Boy he was wrong. As there was a case of a person that went missing. Then there was another one reported. And then another one went missing. It keeps going. Something was up. No one could figure it out. The chief came to his door. Chief showed him a recorded audio. An audio of someone that tried to call for help. Before they could get an actual answer. The audio recording ended. But they did get one clue. The camp called: Camp thriller. So chief assigns him and his partner Greyson  to go and investigate. But recommends to blend in so they can gather clues as an undercover cop. Taking the badge, and gun. He goes in a car with his partner to drive towards the direction to the camp. 

Greyson Age 32 

Background: He sits down watching TV. The news is talking about the folks that went missing. No further info was added. There were only missing. He looks in an envelope. He takes out the phone that was in the envelope. He plays it. As he listens. This turned out to be a bigger case then he thought. The audio ended with a scream. The only clue he ever got, was the location. He hears a knock. It was chief. He informs Greyson to go with George to investigate. He added to tell him to go undercover. Taking the badge, and his gun. He's off. But not before leaving a text message. With that done, he rushes out to the door. Where his partner stood waiting at the door.               

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