Chapter 8- Race to the shores

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Everyone at the motorboat turn their head to see something in the water. They see the big shark jumping past the motorboat. Jacob sees its not one of those basic sharks he's ever seen. He sees the shape, the colors, and its eyes looked horrifying. And he jumped  to a conclusion on what it really was. "Eldritch..." Jacob said in horror. "What?" Emma catch little of what Jacob whispered. "This is no ordinary shark... Hannah, keep punching it." Jacob shouts. 

"That's what I'm doing! Hang on, we're gonna try outrun it." Hannah said as she keeps trying to go fast on the pedal. Making the motorboat go fast. However Greyson sees the shark underneath the water making the turn. Towards back to the boat. Greyson goes to the back level of the boat with Jacob, Emma and the kids. "All of you may wanna stand clear and hang on." Greyson said. "What are you gonna do?" Emma asked. Greyson gets out his handgun. 

"Buying some time." Greyson hands over the walkie talkie to Jacob. "Keep my partner updated, we may need a lot of backup to hurry to the other side." Jacob replies with a salute. "No problem, ill tell them right now." He turns on the radio. 

Meanwhile at the shores, George and everyone else saw everything. The shark made a jump above the motorboat, and went back underwater. This turned into bad news right away, George's radio had made some static noises, and Jacob's voice is on the other end. "Hello? Can you hear me?" Jacob called. George pressed the button on the walkie talkie. "Loud and clear." George replied. "We're trying to make it to the shore, we may need some help over here and now!" Jacob yelled desperately. "I read ya we'll do what we can." George said. 

"We better do something." Alex said. "And just like how Alex?" Sophie said on the verge of panic. Everyone doesn't know what to even do, some are busy panicking. Making things hard to think for anyone. Out of nowhere, the sky turned red, making the environment very noticeable as the color of the sky made things more scary and grim. "What the?" George looks up. "What's going on, what's with the change of scenery?" Russell wondered as he backed up. 

The portals appeared to each sides of the lake. Each four portals dropped barrels. The first two, dropped spears. The other two had bows and supplies of arrows. Jacob, Emma and others at the boat saw what the portal dropped. "Well ain't that convenient?" Jacob said. 

The voice suddenly booms around the area. "They won't escape the creature's wrath. Take up arms if you wish to save them, and survive." An ominous voice spoke. No one don't know whether to trust that voice, but ether way Russell doesn't had time to hesitate. "Well, its our option guys. Let's go!" Russell makes the dash for the barrels of Bows and arrows. 

After that, Alex was gonna go for the spears, but George stops right at the front of his path. "Ill handle this, all of you stay here!" George gives them an order before heading off to the left side of the lake. Alex didn't like being ordered like that. "Treat me like a kid huh?" He grumbles. 

"I shall go assist Russell in battle!" Daniel marches off to the right side of the lake. Before he could aid Russell, a portal appeared on the ground before him. Transiting to George, he made it to the spear. At the right side, Russell made it to the bows and arrow supplies. At each side of the lake, portals appeared at the spot where George and Russell are at in each sides. 

Something emerged from the portals, Its the cults. They appeared all over each spots. George is facing two cults wielding ritual daggers. Russell is facing a cult in red robes, wielding a scythe. At the shores where everyone else is, A cult wearing a mask shaped like a skull emerged from the portal, holding a large sword with a edge tip. But this time a little taller. Having the same height as Daniel but taller then others ether short or shorter. Behind him are four cult swordsman backing him up. 

"Fresh faces would be a humble gift to the bishops." The taller cult figure raised its sword. "Attack and destroy! Let no one escape!" The taller cult signaled the order to begin the attack. 

The cults unleashes their all out attack on them all. Mason and Eddy ran to the mess hall as their being chased by the two cult swordsman. Sophia, Alex, and Octavia are taking on each of the swordsman. Actually Alex is taking on two swordsman while Sophia and Octavia go against the other two. Hannah tries to keep pushing on the pedal of the motorboat. 

To make things worse, the two spike headed octopus rises from the water. Charging right towards the boat. "Charging octopus at twelve o clock." Jacob called. As soon as he did, the two octopuses head-butted the boat. Making the boat rock, Jacob fell out of the boat from losing balance of his foot. "Jacob!" Emma doesn't want him to be left behind. There was thing left to do. "Hannah, we need to stop!" Emma said in a panic. Worried about the shark in the water. 

Hannah knew she couldn't, she can't leave someone who came to rescue her and aid the children. "I suppose your right, We wouldn't had done this if it wouldn't for you and him." She grabs the lever, and slows down all the way. Making the boat stop. "Come on Jacob, swim for your life!" Hannah motives him to swim. Without a second to lose He begins to swim and hope he makes it. The sounds of swimming of course attracted the unwanted attention. The shark, and it begins to target him. They see the shark coming. 

"Hurry, its behind you!" Emma cried. "Keep swimming, don't look back. Just keep swimming!" Hannah said. Jacob does so as he races against the shark from behind him. 

George dodges the cults slicing blows, and the jabs. George blocks the jab with the spear and kicks one. "Hurry!" George heard a woman's voice. He looks to see that gave him the oh crap look. The shark is chasing Jacob. George raises the spear, and throws it. Landing the hit, but it ignored the pain. "I better throw more spears." George said. 

He tries to grab another spear but the two scamps pushes him away from the barrel, standing between him and the barrel of spears. "Out of my way little shits!" He pulls out a pistol and shoots one. He pulled the trigger again, empty. 

"Ugh, are you kidding me?" George said with frustration. "Out of ammo old man?" Scamper said with hints of taunts. Being called old man aggravated him. "Oh ill show you what an old man can do." George grabs the spear, and fights them. 

Jacob kept swimming desperately, the shark started t show itself. Half of its face. The kids started to get scared, thinking Jacob won't make it. "He might not make it." The girl said. "Not on my watch." Greyson aims with his pistol.  He waited for the opportunity for the perfect shot. Jacob is almost halfway to the boat. The moment the shark show its face a little more, about to reach for the kill. "Gotcha." Greyson pulls the trigger. Shot the shark right in the eye. 

It flinched, making it retreat by going back underwater. Greyson was able to stop the shark, with the shark marching back underwater. This gave Jacob enough time to reach for the boat. He grabbed hold of the boat and pulls himself up. Greyson and Emma helped him up. "Holy crap, I thought I was about to meet my end." Jacob sighed in relief and lie down.  "And we won't let it end here. Full speed Hannah." Greyson said. "You got it." Hannah gives a thumbs up. Lifts the lever to put the speed up and Presses the pedal. Making the motorboat go. 

As for how's Russell's holding? He's busy trying to avoid keeping his head and its wits safe from the scythe wielding cult. Been putting all the focus and energy on trying to get that kid. He kept moving around and even got out his own weapon the baseball bat. Blocking the attack. 

The two begin to duel with each other face to face. Russell sees the tip of the scythe is getting close to his face, forcing him to backup right to the barrel of arrows. 

Mess hall 

Mason and eddy had split up to separate those two swordsman cults. "Let's get each of them." One swordsman said. "Yeah yeah." The other swordsman replied. The two cults split to get one of them. One chased Mason to the kitchen area while the other one chases Eddy down. 

Outside area 

Sir Daniel Faces the Taller cult, he readies his sword and shield. "You will make a fine display to the bishops undead." The tall cult said with intimidate tone. Daniel isn't phased by his words, he raised his sword and have him a response. "Well, your welcome to try ugly." Daniel said with his attempted insult. "Fall to the guardian you walking bones." The tall cult called guardian charges towards him. Daniel gulps before raising his shield to prepare himself a fight. 

Sophie and Octavia are struggling a little, but handling one of them may be a stretch. Sophie arms herself with a flashlight. Octavia needed to think and hurry on what she needed to do or that cult swordsman is about to make a move.  

Alex over here is having a hard time as he holds the kitchen knife and the book at the same time. Making sure they pull back.  

Back with Russell, he notices the barrow full of arrows behind him. He thought of an idea. He pushes him, making the cult in red flinch. Then he makes himself wide open, waiting for the cult to make the next move. "Wanna call it quits?" He taunts. "NEVER, FOUL MORTAL!!" The cult in red charges at him. Russell waited for the perfect opportunity, when he's gotten close to strike him down. Russell moves out of the way, making the cult trip right into the barrel of arrows. 

Russell watches the awful sight of the Red cult getting stabbed and impaled by the arrows. The barrel of arrows topple down, spilling all the arrows. While the scythe wielding cult rolls right into the lake. With that cult of the way. He took his chance to collect arrows. "Ill be taking these." Russell places the arrows into the quiver. He looks to see The boat is almost there. 

"I better check on the others." Russell hurries on to regroup with everyone. 

Hannah realizes they are actually close to the shores. "We're almost there." Hannah announced. "Wait what's that?" Emma points out. Hannah checks what's ahead of her. Hannah swallows in fear at the portal that she sees. It begins to show something pointy. Realizing she and everyone on the boat are in a very tight predicament. But she doesn't plan on backing down. There was one way to do. She's going to race against time before something emerges. Hannah refuses to stay and find out. It was now or never. No turning back. 

Daniel and the guardian exchanges sword swings and clashes, one and another. Sounds of swords clanging. Daniel dodges one blow that made his read float for a moment and fall right into his neck. Daniel pushes forward, swinging hard with his broadsword. Thinking he had the advantage. After one more clash, the guardian manages to parry and made his sword fly off to the ground. Striking the pointy land. Daniel was left with a silver shield. 

"Looks like your out of luck undead." When the guardian was right about to end him. He retaliates with a shield bash.  Falling back on the ground. "Not done yet showoff." Daniel replies. Guardian gets himself back up. "Seems I underestimated you, no matter. Try this." The guardian begins to spawn the fireballs. Forming the circle around him. Once the circle is done, he fires the flaming circle towards Daniel. 

Going to Alex, he's trying his best as he jabs. Making threats towards the two Swordsman cults. "Back, back I say. I got a kitchen knife. Not afraid of use this." Alex threatens. One of the swordsman charges towards him and swings the pole. He blocks top of the pole. "Stop resisting, and we may spare you. Of course, we would just torture you." The cult said. "Yeah, torture." The other one said, liking the thought of it. "Oh yeah?" Alex smacks one cult with his book. 

"Eat my book creepy red eye freaks." Alex said. "You shall suffer greatly for those words worm!" Both of the swordsman charges towards Alex. He gets ready as he puts up his kitchen knife. Forget the knife, ill just book em." Alex makes a pun and puts the knife in his bag.

Clauneck watch the boy scout trying to run away from the cult who is chasing around Eddy. He tries to outrun the swordsman, no matter which way he tried to get away. He blocks his path. "Your mine now mortal." The swordsman said as he's about to attack Eddy. Mumu jumped on the swordsman's hood, and covered his eyes. Blinding him. "Foul creature, I can't see." He said as he swings around. "Don't hurt poor Eddy meanie." Mumu said.

 Had enough of Mumu, he grabs her, and throws her. Making her bounce a few times to Eddy. "Time to take your remains to the bishops." The cult lifted the pole, about to kill one of them. Then something happened that made him stop.  A Slash sound is heard behind him. He dropped the pole, and dropped to the ground. Eddy and Mumu turn their attention to whoever saved them.  

Mason in the kitchen tried to throw some dishes at him. "Not, an, inch." He says as he continues to throw some hard plates at the swordsman. The swordsman fights the dishes being thrown by the camper. Then he begins to raise his pole to block the plates and pushes on. Walking towards Mason. After enduring some abuse from the dishes.

 He slowly notices no more is coming. Standing down and realizing he's got no more left. "Out of Ammo I see? Your done for. Now-" The swordsman is ready to get his revenge from those plate of dishes. Only to be struck in the face by the frying pan. Making the cult fall backwards as his eyes now displays scribbles. "Whoops, what was it your gonna say? I guess I didn't let you finish." Mason said.  

Hannah kept pushing on the pedal while the shark is now gaining towards the motorboat. The boat made it to the portal, Time slows down. Something pointy is heading towards their way. The motorboat kept going  through the portal. The shark is continuing to give chase, getting closer. The sharp point is coming up a little fast. It was about to make contact with the boat. But then. A roar is heard loudly. Hannah, and everyone on the boat look to see the shark got impaled by something pointy, like a giant spear. 

Everyone heard the roaring echoes of the shark. Making them stop with their ongoing conflicts. Right before Octavia was about to throw a punch. Russell was about to try out some archery. Alex was about swing one of them with his book while Sophie was struggling to get her bag back from the swordsman that is grabbing it. George and the two scampers watch as the motorboat reaches the shore and They all witness the lifeless shark disappearing into the abyss of the lake. 

The guardian saw the whole thing, realizing they lost. So he gives Daniel one last word before he leaves. "I like for us to continue, but under the orders from one of the bishops. I suppose this is where we must depart. He bows and disappears into the portal. All the other cults that remained alive disappears into the portal in front of them.  

At last, they all made it to the shores. They could see the kids were really scared after this, Hannah takes a moment to sigh in sweet relief. "We did it, I can't believe we made it." Hannah said in triumph. "Single file kids, one at a time." Jacob called.  Each three kids took their turn to get off the motorboat. "Ill survey the area ahead." Greyson went ahead to scout the area. 

Greyson looked around to see everyone is all exhausted from their fight against those cults. "Hey!" He look to see it was George who was calling him. He notices the torn clothing from his knee and his shirt. "You look like a mess George." Greyson joked. "And still being a showoff as usual." George replied. "I try." Greyson said. 

Russell regroups with them. "You guys ok?" Russell asked. "I suppose." Sophie responded. "Almost died trying to shoot a fire spell but I still need some more practice." Octavia said. "I couldn't even get these guys, it was two against one. Trying to use a knife didn't work out for me." Alex adds. "You were shaking a little when you were using it." Octavia remarks. "Ah shut up." Alex replies. "What about Daniel?" Sophie wondered. "I have returned my fellow team." Sir Daniel arrives with his broadsword and silver shield in hand. 

"He's fine." Octavia said. "We can see that." Alex said. 

Everyone is about to regroup in the Mess hall until Eddy comes out to greet everyone. "Eddy how was your business with those maniacs? You and Mason fought them off fine?" Alex asks. "Mason managed to take down one with kitchen weapons. Eddy said. "Did he find a knife and stabbed him?" Alex guessed. "Nah he just bashed one with a frying pan." Eddy confirmed. 

"Oh, that's good then." Alex said. "Real good so that I don't see some blood." Sophie said with relieve. "Give the situation we're all in, there might be one." Octavia said. Sophie turns her head very fast with a not so happy look. "Hey you just never know." Octavia teased. 

"What about you? How did you deal with that cult?" Alex asks him. "Well I was about to be done for, the little plush tried to save me, didn't work out but at least she tried." Eddy said. "That bully was gonna harm him, but we were saved." Mumu mentions. "Oh yeah, we had a little help." Eddy added. "Help, from who?" Russell questions. 

"That would be me." 

Everyone turns their attention to the source of the voice in the mess hall. Two glowing red eyes  from the little figure stares at everyone accompanying a red crimson glow showing another eye in the middle.   




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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 02 ⏰

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