Chapter 6-The awkward conversation

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Everyone stood still, very fazed, and confused of all of this. No one don't know what to say, or when to start this conversation that would try to explain this random situation their all in. Russell is the first to finally speak, and starting this conversation. 

"Is anyone gonna say something or what?" Russell wondered. "Well, what is to say?" Alex said. "Well ill do you better. What the hell is going on?" The female owl lady asked. The skeleton in armor speaks with mumbles. "Ill do you better. What is here?" He said. 

"I'm sorry, what did he say?" Russell asked. "I think I hear a little bit of what he said. I think he said he'll do better I think?" Sophie said. "He said what is here?" The owlette said. "Oh so you speak the dead? Okay then." Alex said. "I am a demon. A Goetia demon what do you expect? She said. "Wait, your one of the Ars Goetia demons?" Sophie asked. 

"Yes. My name is Octavia." The owl lady name Octavia said. "Well Looks like we got ourselves a demon princess. That's, neat." Alex sarcastically said. "Don't call me that. I don't like being called that." Octavia said in annoyance. Sophie can't help but relate with this. 

Russell then turns his attention towards the armored skeleton. "Okay, so who are you?" Russell asked him. "Sir Daniel Fortesque." He said in a mumble. "Sir Daniel something huh?" Alex said. "He said Fortesque. In case your wondering." Octavia said. "An undead knight? That sounds cool. But where did he come from anyway?" Russell asked. "I was sleeping peacefully after my triumph. Now I was brought back, and now I am here. Not at my resting place." Dan said. 

"From what I gathered here, he was resting after his triumph. Now he's here, but except not at his resting place." Octavia translated his mumbles. "I also heard he was brought back to life. But what woke him up?" Sophie asked. "If I had to guess. Maybe the flash of light we saw. Maybe that's what got him here, and the effects of this camp may had gave him life." Alex assumes. 

"Just like the zombies and the skeletons roaming around here." Russell added. "I think we're onto something here." Sophie said. Octavia's eyes wide when she heard the flash of light. "Hold on, did you say the flash of light?" Octavia asked for their answer. The three humans nodded their heads as a yes. "Yep, when that happened. The whole camp changed." Russell said. 

"So that's it. I knew what I saw brought me here. Some portal dragged me in. I wonder if it happened with others that got sucked in too. I wonder if my dad is here?" Octavia wondered. "Your dad?" Sophie curiosity asked her. "Stolas." Octavia replied. "Stolas Goetia. Now it all makes sense." Alex said. "I wonder if he's there? Maybe he can get us back." Octavia said. 

"And if he isn't here?" Alex asked. Octavia looks at the ground. "Then, I dunno." Octavia said in a gloomy tone. "Well, I think let's go back to where we left off, and that's going further into the forest." Russell suggested. "Not sure if we want to risk it, but we might as well." Alex goes along with Russell's decision. Sophie feels bad for the Goetia princess. So she thought of an idea. 

"Your welcome to tagalong if you want Octavia, its fine if you don't want to. We won't pressure you." Sophie said. Octavia thinks in her head about what she said. At first she thought to continue on her own. But after walking for so long without help. She decided to take this chance. "Actually, why not. Ill come with. I been walking alone for so long. While fighting off some dead things, and guys in robes." Octavia said. 

Sophie raised her eyebrow. "Guys in robes? What do you mean by that?" Sophie wondered. "I think these guys are cults. But really odd. But I be careful, their pushovers." Octavia said. "In that case. Sir Daniel, wanna come with us to this grand adventure I guess?" Alex said while trying to make this exciting a little bit. "That's a great idea. We could really use some help from a knight. We would really appreciate it." Russell said. 

Sir Daniel went to see if there's anything around here useful. Eventually, he found himself a broadsword, and a silver shield. Then he approaches them. "As the hero of Gallowmere, it is my sworn duty to protect you all children. Ill follow, and you lead." Daniel does the heroic pose. "He said as a hero of Gallowmere, blah blah. He said he will protect us." Octavia said. 

"Then its settled, let's get going." Sophie headed out first. "The more the merrier am I right?" Alex said. With that, they all went to leave the catacombs. 

Mess hall 

The living stuff toy, identified as a bunny. Eats up some snacks and sweets. While George, and the two boys just stood there. "So if we get this right, you were here because of the flash of light?" Mason asked. "Yep, we were facing them. Then the pretty light happened out of nowhere. And that's it. Oh, almost forgot. I'm Mumu." She introduced herself. 

"So in your world, the living toys took over?" George asked. "Yep, and everything else is history. But I don't want to talk about it." Mumu made a uncomfortable look. "If its very upsetting, we won't bother. I don't like something upsetting." Eddy said. 

"I understand. But we won't know unless we know what we're dealing with here." George said. "You didn't hear her? She doesn't want to talk about it. Besides, we don't know if she knows why its all happening. If its all she knows how she got here, that's all your gonna get." Mason said with a hint of anger. George sighs, feeling a bit guilty for trying to push her for an answer. I suppose your right. I can't just push those that are too scared to think about it." George said. 

"Let's just give it time, once she's happy. Maybe she'll be ok to talk about it." Eddy said. "My brother is right. Let's just give her some time and space." Mason said. "So now what?" Eddy asked. "Well, my partner is going to help some survivors we saw moments ago." George said. "Any news yet?" Eddy asked. "Well-" George's walkie talkie begins to make a static sound. Then there's a voice on the end of it. "George, George. You there?" Greyson called. 

"Well there ya go. Looks like we may have some news after all. George pressed the button, and speaks. George here, what's the update?" George responds. "I managed to rescue the two survivors in time. But get ready to rescue some more, because we're gonna need a hand here." Greyson said. "Are we expecting more?" George asked. "Copy, the camp councilor named Jacob has a flare gun. It will signal more survivors to come out of hiding. We're gonna cross the lake to ya. But we would need backup, over." Greyson said. 

"Copy, when does he fire the flare?" George asked. "When I tell him to." Greyson said. "Alright, ill be over here. Ill bring some help I have with me. Whenever your ready, over and out." George said. Mason, Eddy. Ill need your help, we're about to get more people here." George announced. 

Mumu's ears perked. "More people? Yay!" Mumu cheered. "So what's the plan?" Eddy asked. "Follow me outside, to the shores." George went outside. Mason and Eddy looked at each other's and nodded their heads. They also went outside. Leaving Mumu with Clauneck. 

Mumu looks at Clauneck, filled with curiosity in her eyes. Clauneck forms a happy smile. "Hello owl, I hear we're expecting company." "So I hear little one. Looks like this building is about to be a full house." Clauneck said.             


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