Chapter 7- Escorting

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George, Mason, and Eddy head out to the shores of the lake. From the distance they can see Greyson, Jacob, and Emma on the other side. George starts to contact his partner on the radio. 

"Greyson, can you see us?" George waits for his response. On the other side, Greyson sees George and the two kids. "I see you. Who are those two?" Greyson asked. "These two kids are gonna help cover us in case if theirs any danger lurking in the lake." George said. "I see. If they can handle anything, then we'll really appreciate the assistance." Greyson said. 

"Are you all in position?" George asked. Greyson looked back to see Jacob has a flare gun ready. Jacob and Emma signal Greyson a thumbs up. "Yes, and we're ready. Are you?" Greyson asked. "Whenever your ready partner. Over and out." George said. 

At the other side of the lake. Greyson turns to Jacob. "Its time Jacob. Shoot the flare when your ready." Greyson said. "Yes sir. You ready?" He asked Emma. "Ready." Emma said. "Then stand back." Jacob points the flare gun up, and pulls the trigger. Shooting the flare up in the air. Making a loud noise. Making the shades red around here, and visible in the sky. 

Meanwhile at the forest with Russell and company. They hear a noise, and turn around to see a flare in the sky. They see this could mean something is happening. And someone may need help. "Russell? Russell turns his head to Sophie with a concerned look. I think its a call for help." Sophie tells him the obvious. Russell look the group. He thinks. Then made his mind up. 

"We need to go back." Russell answers. "I agree. We need to check on Mason and Eddy. I hope their managing alright." Alex said. "Where are we going?" Octavia asked. "To our base. More specifically the mess hall." Alex answers. "Mess hall?" Daniel mumbles in confusion. "Its a cafeteria. To eat lunch, dinner, and I guess our place to rest." Russell said. 

"Oh I get it." Daniel said. "We better hurry up. With the flare signal up I don't know what's happening until we see it." Sophie rushes off first. "Come on." Russell gestures them and sprints. Alex, Octavia, and Daniel follows them behind. 

The female councilor and the three kids head out to the flare's location. They hurried as fast as they can before the flare eventually went out. But she knew where the flare was fired and kept going onward to the direction where it was fired. 

After two and a half minutes. She sees Jacob and the others waiting. "Jacob, Emma! Over here!" She called to them and waved. They all group up. "Good to see your safe miss..." Jacob couldn't finish because he doesn't know her name. The camp councilor notice real quick they they haven't been introduced. "Hannah." She said. "Right, okay then." Jacob said. 

"So how do we get to the mess hall?" Hannah wondered. "Through the lake. I wouldn't take the woods. Trust me, Ill explain after this." Greyson said. "So we travel by water?" Hannah asked. "That's the plan." Jacob replied. "The boathouse has a motorboat in there. There's enough room for all of us." Emma mentioned. "Great. There should be a key in there." Hannah said. 

The noises and the chanting in the woods can be heard. They turn their attention to the woods. Greyson soon realizes the danger upon them. "Then let's not waste anymore time. Find the key and hurry." Greyson gives them a command. "On it." Hannah rushes in to the boathouse. 

They hear footsteps. And it sounded closer. "Kids, hurry to the motorboat. It won't be a pretty sight to see." Jacob tells the kids. "Okay mister." Male camper said. The three campers ran inside to the boathouse. Greyson armed himself with a handgun. While Jacob and Emma stayed behind him. There was silence for a moment. 

Until the cults in robes came charging with curved ritual daggers. Jacob smacks one, and then the other one with the frying pan. "Ya know what, I am glad we didn't go that way." Jacob said. The motorboat's engines is heard roaring. "Come on, we gotta go!" Hannah called. 

The three went rushing to the boathouse. Two more came out charging to their direction. Greyson stopped for a moment and shot both of them on their heads. Greyson turns around and ran inside the boathouse. Greyson got on with the others. In a row with kids. Jacob and Emma is on the left row. "Hang on everyone!" Hannah puts the boat in gear. And the motorboat went forward in a haste. Heading towards to the other side of the shores. 

Jacob, Emma, and Greyson. Look to the shores, and see all the cults in different gear. Just sitting there. Watching them drift away. Not doing anything.  Jacob can't help but feel troubled. Emma notices Jacob's troubled look. "What's wrong?" Emma asked. "I got a bad feeling about this. Their not wailing in defeat. Their just standing there." Jacob said. 

Emma turns her focus to the cults standing there. Her eyes wide in fright, and starts backing up. Starts freaking out by making her lips move fast. They see she looked scared stiff. "Emma? What happened?" Jacob asked. Emma starts pointing to the shores. Jacob and Greyson turns to what made Emma flip out in a scary panic. 

Jacob and Greyson gasped when they saw the tall figure

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Jacob and Greyson gasped when they saw the tall figure. They could tell its a spider. Now they see why Emma is afraid. It couldn't be just the spiders right? 

They see the tall figure is not doing anything ether. Are they being spared, or has the figure has plans for them. "Keep flying you fools. We will always see eye to eye soon enough. The spider looked to the direction at the distance on the other side. They see Russell and the gang that appeared. Russell and everyone look to the spider's direction as well. Making a shocking look. 

A strange company, Strange indeed. That means its roaming around here. I can sense that power. The red crowns power. We shall yet meet little children. Our meeting is unescapable." The figure said. "Shamura. The bishops need to see you." The follower said. "Tell them Ill be here shortly." The figure named Shamura replies. The follower bows, and leaves. 

Shamura looks at the lake one last time. "You can fly, but you will not hide forever." Shamura disappears into the shadows of the woods. 

Daniel is witnessing everything he sees from his one eye. It was something like he has never encountered, nor faced before. He looks at the people coming across the lake with a motorboat. It was then Daniel notices something. Something is moving under the lake. And its moving towards the motorboat. Daniel rushes off to the lake. Trying to warn them. 

"Dan what's the rush?" Alex follows Daniel. Octavia doesn't know why Daniel is rushing to the lake. Until she sees something moving towards the people on the motorboat. Octavia now understood what is Daniel trying to tell them. So she sprints to the lake. Sophie makes a worried face. She could tell something is off. "Something's wrong." Sophie said. Russell also feels the same thing. "I think your right. It was if- Russell gasped. "Sophie, we need to move. Stat." Russell rushes to the lake. Sophie follows Russell. 

George is watching Greyson, and everyone else on the boat. About halfway to the shores. Suddenly, he hears footsteps. Running footsteps. He turns around to see a skeleton in armor. George pulled out his gun. But he ran passed him before he could say anything. When George turned back around. He hears him mumbling. Like if he's trying to say something. 

Mason and Eddy was confused. So was George. "He's trying to warn you guys." Mason and Eddy see a female owl. George also see her. "What is he trying to warn us?" George asked. "The lake. There's something in the lake." Octavia said. 

As the motorboat were about to get closer to the shore. There was a bump they felt. Emma fell on the ground of the deck from the bump it got. Greyson helped her up. George heard the bump. He sees the boat came to a halt. George contacts Greyson with a radio. 

"Greyson, come in. Are you alright?" George asked. "Yes, we're all fine." Greyson said. "What was that?" Jacob wondered. "Don't stop, you need to keep going. There's something in the lake." George tells them. Hannah and the kids heard it. Hannah goes back in gear, and speeds it up a bit. "Wait, something's under the lake?" Emma said with a scared look. 

Somewhere under the lake. It sees the boat moving again. And it rushes towards them.         

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